Obviously we will have to agree to disagree at some point. I don't care if a business is open to the public or not, it's still private property(to whatever limited extent that is...) If I'm selling my home and I have an open house, where in I'm inviting the public, it's open to the public, guess what, I still retain the right to kick anyone out that I want, it's still my property and I still have that right. Once word gets out that I'm not letting women look at the house, or Asians or Italians, guess what, the chances of me selling my house go down. But that's my choice and my right, same should go for any business, in my opinion. Yes there are protected "classes" but it is these that I feel are and should be illegal. Discrimination happens everyday, every single day. Are men allowed in the womens bathroom/shower? No? Discrimination, it happens to some degree or another. Firearm ownership should not be a "protected class" nor should anything else. Did it serve it's purpose? Maybe. Is it still necessary, I don't think so.