I have had my CPL since October 2008 and carry absolutely everywhere I go except my work place. The reason I cannot bring a gun there is that I work at a treatment boarding school.
Well, some of my other friends that are CPL holders started OC'ing and have motivated me to do so. I went out today and OC'ed at a gas station, Subway, Target (40 min) and Auto Zone. No problems whatsoever. A couple double takes I think but nothing after that. I have to tell you it felt great. I love being able to use my right as a Michigan citizen as well as a US citizen to open carry.
I have a Fobus belt holster for now. I am looking for something with more retention than that, but, because I carry a CZ P-01, it is hard to find holsters for it. Does anyone know any good retention holsters that fit that gun? How are the Comp-tac belt holsters retention and quality? Also, I think Blade tech has CZ P-01 fitting holsters, which blade tech is a good belt holster?
Thanks for doing what you are doing guys, you are making this state and country a better place, honestly. I wish more people realized the same.
- Another proud American