Author Topic: Another great experience  (Read 6814 times)

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Offline Christian Patriot

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Another great experience
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:27:27 PM »
I had another great experience today. My wife and I went to Meijer in Owosso, as we walked inside, a man was stopped inside waiting to talk to me. He said, "Do you have a ccw"? I said yes I do. He then asks, "are you a cop"? I said, no. I am not. He went on to express that he felt more comfortable knowing that there was an armed citizen in the store! That about blew my mind! He went on to say that he had been mugged 3 different times in flint. I further explained that he did not need a CPL to open carry a sidearm but there are restrictions. He was amazed to say the least. I directed him the this web site as well as the MSP site for more info! Unfortunately I was an idiot and did not get the mans info so we could stay in contact.
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!

Offline ocdetroit

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Re: Another great experience
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 06:29:08 PM »
 :)Outstanding, Looking forward to hearing about more experiences. Carry.On.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.

Offline skunkworks

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Re: Another great experience
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 07:21:19 PM »
Just to be clear, this was not the greeter right?
I've heard that Meijer is not gun friendly, but often puts up with it.
Just what I've heard.  I hope your experience proves me wrong.

Offline TheQ

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Another great experience
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2011, 10:34:06 PM »
I'd take every opportunity to educate people it's now called a CPL. CCW is a felony...
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline Christian Patriot

  • Posts: 137
  • Daniel
Re: Another great experience
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2011, 11:55:40 PM »
No, It was not the greeter. I did explain the CPL vs CCW thing. I just summarized my story here. Still to date, no issues to the negative in Owosso!

If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!