when i was LEO in training in texas we had to watch shoot/don't shoot movies where you stand in front of a paper screen and you held a gun with wax bullets. when you came in and did the test you went in the next room and were divided into the survivor officer section or dead officer section. i came in test room and test movie was a big juggy girl on a traffic stop. she said "oh hi officer. sorry i.." BAMM..DEAD.
my reaction of course was "HUH? WHAT"
? they played it back and said "watch her hands this time" - sure enough she had a big shiny .357 right on the console that i never saw and picked it up and shot. i went in the next room and sat with 20 male officers in the dead pile and had to see the 3 female officers in the live pile shaking their heads. one shot her 4 times. valuable lesson. these pics reminded me of that video.