Author Topic: Hooters Get Together  (Read 12543 times)

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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Hooters Get Together
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2011, 02:02:42 PM »
Can any of you read? Apparently only selectively? Pat do whatever you always; the rest of you if you ask a question, then you don't like the answer, information is based off the latest know communications from their HQ office to our President Mr. Webb, if they've changed their minds since then great, but I doubt it. Also are you willing to risk your freedom & thousands of dollars in legal fees just to see some TA TA's come on!

I DO NOT patronize any dump that tries to squash my freedoms period! Hot girls or not!

Please explain and cite applicable laws where a letter to the president of MOC has any bearing on any other individual other than him. And how anyone's freedom is at risk.

If this is your opinion, please state so. Your post makes it appear as if there is some legal basis for it, albeit erroneous.

Many people rely upon this site for accurate information. Opinions, as such, should be presented as such so that readers can make valued decisions.

Insofar as the meet itself is concerned, having placed the information in this area of the forum infers that it is an open carry activity. Because of this it can be expected that the discussion will natural evolve into a discussion of the practice. If it is not an open carry activity, then the moderators should move it to a more appropriate thread category.

Furthermore, a valid question was asked by a poster regarding open carry in the establishment. The resounding NO was a valid response. It was not an attempt to tell him not to do something simply for the sake of telling him what to do. I was for the expressed purpose of keeping him from violating the law.

Additionally, there is no necessity to give me your blessings to do whatever I want, because I do. That's what freemen do. But thanks anyway.
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Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: Hooters Get Together
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2011, 02:21:38 PM »
See post #4. I take him for his word, I know him personally, as you do and he has yet to steer me wrong on any firearms related issues or questions.

Private property rules apply, you know this Pat. You can be asked to leave by any property owner, failure to comply can result trespass charges being brought against you. :o

For someone who is so all  knowing you don't know much...or is it you're just trying to stir up the pot more? Yes that's probably it, we all know how you relish in that endeavor!

 If you would like a demonstration on how private property rules work PM me. I'll give you my address, you can stop by. When I see your sidearm, I'll ask you to leave, when you don't I'll call 911 with a MWAG call and we'll see how well it works out for you aye?  :P

You kind of remind me of this guy Sir are a humbug from time to time. Carry on.

 Peace be with you Pat.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 02:30:21 PM by Glock9mmOldStyle »
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Offline CrossPistols

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Re: Hooters Get Together
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2011, 05:12:55 PM »
No offense to any one person, but I move to lock this thread.  we are in the Media eye too much for this kinda rhetoric in the General discussion.
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Re: Hooters Get Together
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2011, 07:32:53 PM »
I think this thread has more than run it's course. I am locking it!
Anything I post may be my opinion and not the law... you are responsible to do your own verification.

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