Author Topic: No Carry in Libraries - MI SB4438  (Read 18274 times)

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Offline smellslikemichigan

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Re: No Carry in Libraries - MI SB4438
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2011, 11:45:59 AM »
you need a permit to purchase if you don't have a CPL.  but whether you have a CPL or not your handgun always has to be registered
"I like users who quote themselves in their signature lines." -smellslikemichigan

Offline Bronson

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Re: No Carry in Libraries - MI SB4438
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2011, 01:37:56 PM »
Ah, okay. But then, do you still need a purchase permit if you're buying from an individual?

(I'm studying up to get my FFL... lol.)

More studying is in order  :D :P

To purchase a handgun in MI you must have either a CPL or a License to Purchase/Posssess.

Per Federal law you must be 21 to purchase from a Federally licensed dealer.  This applies to all states as it's a Fed. rule.

Per MI law you may purchase a handgun at 18 but since the Feds. require you to be 21 to purchase from a dealer an 18-20 yr old must purchase from a private individual.

Per MI law you must be 21 to obtain a CPL so anybody under 21 must use a License to Purchase/Possess and buy from a private individual.

Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. – Thomas Paine

Offline Markalon

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Re: No Carry in Libraries - MI SB4438
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2011, 06:47:06 AM »
Thank you. And yes, I knew all of that, except the part about <21 being able to purchase from a private individual. I thought you needed to be 21 to get a purchase permit at all, which means <21 would not be able to purchase a pistol even from a private individual, unless no permit is required for a private purchase.

Seeing as how an FFL dealer isn't allowed to sell to anybody <21 anyway, I didn't think it was a big deal to know this. But more info is always better! lol. Thanks.
Mark - 2A Firearms, Livonia, MI - I carry a gun because cops are too damn heavy. - Discount Firearms, Ammunition

Offline hamaneggs

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Re: No Carry in Libraries - MI SB4438
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2011, 02:27:04 PM »
Having bought my first S&W model 29 at the age of 20 from a sheriffs deputy in 77',and having an FFL from 85' to 91'(when I started to learn how legislation works,how screwed up our gun laws were and being informed that OC was legal by Lenawee,Monroe,Wayne and Washtenaw sheriffs), I have to point out how much work we have to get these laws in line with our rights and what a fight it's going to be in this PC brainwashed society! Patience and Truth, We will Win! Fretting and Fearing, We will lose! FRET NOT, FEAR NOT, WE WIN! CARRY ON!
In GOD I TRUST! Luke 22:36 "and if You don't have a sword,sell Your cloak and buy one". Nehemiah 4:17 "Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other,and each of the builders wore his sword at His side as He worked."  I AGREE! AMEN!