So I went out yesterday with the girlfriend and her 21 month old boy to do some Geocaching and hiking in one of my favorite Cass County Parks, Fred Russ Forest Park, also known as Newton Woods. We had a blast, found 3 caches, and did a couple hours worth of hiking and playing in the really nice park. On the way out, however, I drove over to the second entrance and parking area and I saw a big red sign I couldn't resist taking a picture of:
And you can see in the distance in that photo an additional sign, which I also took a closer picture of:
There were also two informational papers posted on a bulletin board I took pictures of, but I won't post them. If you want to view those, go
here and
I did some research, and it looks like between October and January the park is open to hunters for bowhunting only. Now, if you have that knowledge I guess it can be inferred that the signs really only apply to permitted hunters during hunting season, which is an issue unto itself. However, I think the signs are fairly misleading and can easily be mistaken to apply to all firearms in all situations (especially since the second sign was so far behind the first and not easy to see.
So my question is, is this something we should ignore or should we request that the signs be taken down? Or at least replaced with something clearer? I'm close friends or well-acquainted with 13 of the 15 county commissioners down here, and I feel like most of them would be favorable to our position on this one.