I just cannot hold back anymore. I would pose this... What percentage of passengers died during an ocean voyage to America in Columbus' time? How many people die on the same trip in today's time?
I can say that our current BOD are indeed making strides and are moving us in a good direction. Could there be more? Sure. However, it takes resources. As our resources continue to grow, the net outcome of our combined efforts will continue to increase also. Whether under current leadership or future, if our resources continue to grow we can be a powerful influence. Primarily these resources are the volunteers throughout the organization. From the captains to the bean counter, (all love implied), the log keeper, to Jason Reese automating memberships to Ryan Ransom and Cortez Brown selling them, when you have more good people that are dedicated to what they do, we all get more done. And lest we forget, the general membership. For without the support of each one of our members, there would be no ship to sail.
Forbid we should not give praise where it is due. Forbid also we should criticize those who have been in the arena, and that if they in some particular way failed, they did so while struggling valiantly with the tools before them. Forbid also that in the ways they succeeded, they are forgotten.
So, to get back to the productive side, if each of our 250 members would be willing to pay $400 a year we could put someone on payroll with an expense account to be in our legislators offices every day. How close are we to 500 members at $200 a head? How bad do we want this?