Glock... I'm sorry if my humor offended you. Again, please disregard it if offends you. I tried to make that clear...
Anyway, my real reason for chiming in today...
...the lawyer for MOC said that someone that open carries employs purposely the "intent to intimidate"...
I hope you typed this wrong. Are you telling me that our own lawyer said that open carrying is an act of purposeful intimidation? Is a poisonous snake purposely intimidating its predators by displaying its bright colors? No, it is a gosh darned warning. "LEAVE ME ALONE OR I WILL HURT YOU!" How can this be interpreted as purposeful intimidation? When the state puts up a sign that says "Warning, bridge may be icy" is that meant to intimidate people driving across it? No, it is nothing more than a warning.
Hell, if anything open carrying is a damn public service by giving such a warning and keeping the thugs with no medical insurance from being put in a hospital at the taxpayers expense. We should be getting freaking medals, not made out to look like a bunch of "intimidating" thugs!
Someone has got to be freakin kidding me here right? Please say this is a joke meant to raise my blood pressure and make sure I am still alive. PLEASE!
Edit: Reported myself to moderator, this should probably be a seperate thread. Sorry everyone!