According to MCL 28.425o 28.425o: Subsection (3)(1) "premises" does not include parking lots.
Now in MCL 750.234d750.234d it makes NO mention of parking lots.
Does that mean you must have a cpl in order to be in the parking lot while OC?
Another question...
I see no mention of malls... period. Unless the mall has a No Weapons sign (private property rights), I read no reason as to why I could no OC in a place like Great Lakes Crossing. With that being said, there are establishments with Liquor Licenses in the mall. Where do the boundaries apply there? The parking lot is obviously very large and surrounds the entire mall.
Another question... When exiting my car and un-storing my pistol, would I not be temporarily "brandishing" my gun while I loaded, cocked and holstered my pistol?
I know these seem silly, but I want to be 100% certain that I am in compliance with the law and I do not want to risk an infraction while I am working towards a cpl.
I realize that Open cary becomes MUCH easier with a cpl and I realize that I am limited to where I can OC without one.
Another question... I have a UCG tactical holster... I have OC'ed in my house and yard and tried to have someone take my gun out or rip my holster off of me... I am comfortable that my pistol is secure but I would like to get something a little more rigid. Unfortunately there is not an abundance of SR40 holsters. Safariland does not have Ruger SR40 holsters as of yet. Suggestions are welcomed.