Author Topic: Why do people blame tools of defense for acts of malice and violence?  (Read 7624 times)

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Offline Biggrrizzley

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All these shootings going on and all you hear in the media is its too many guns on the streets!! How dumb are you all to think that the gun is the culprit?? Its too many criminals on the streets!!! Stop letting murderers and rapist out of prison because of over population and alot of crime will cease to existist. Stop blaming tools and blame the user.

Offline hamaneggs

  • Posts: 164
Inability to recognize truth and accept truth!
In GOD I TRUST! Luke 22:36 "and if You don't have a sword,sell Your cloak and buy one". Nehemiah 4:17 "Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other,and each of the builders wore his sword at His side as He worked."  I AGREE! AMEN!

Offline ocdetroit

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+1 CarryOn.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.

Offline Greyh Seer

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I've often thought: what if I became supreme dictator of Michigan?  What would I do in order to correct all of the state's problems (ie I could make any changes I wanted and didn't have to worry about that pesky legislator).  And to be honest, it is a very difficult exercise.  What the exercise did do for me, however, is it made me realize that many people are looking for the simplest answers to society's problems.  It is these people who think that "if we take the guns away, then gun crime will cease to exist".  They look for this simple "solution" instead of actually looking at the root problems: breakdown of the family unit in the US, economic hardships leading to poor decisions, poor parenting and the breakdown of community. 

Now, you and I know that the list of issues in the sentence preceding is much closer to the root cause of the problems than the fact that we have "guns on the streets".  The reality of the situation is the ones who go for the "simple" answer are failing to take on the real problems.

Offline Quball

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Thats Deep man.  8)

But oh so right. People in general do not want to hear that.
So in the end they will just want to take away the guns.  I say "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!"
Carry on!  ;D

Offline jeffsayers

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Broadcast a television show interviewing criminal and their opinions of societies laws.  I am amazed at how many people I talk to feel it is better to restrict 95% of the population (honest citizens) in an effort to stop the other 5%. (Figures are made up here, I have not researched these percentages.) Once the general polulation realizes that laws only restrict honest citizens you have begun your misison.

Then, eliminate the penal system. For felony convictions, spend $0.50 for a bullet. Everything else is a trip to the public stocks for a week. Of course, you may have to reclassify a lot of offenses, but I believe the point is made.

Next, you eliminate societies tendancy towards anti-darwinsim by stopping forced entitlements. I am not saying that we shouldn't help those in need, just that it should be at our own discretion. When a man has to ask for help instead of having it come to his bridge card automatically every month, he is going to be more inclined to find a way to make his own living.

Then you move to the school system. Eliminate it. Education is a private matter and individuals are capable of making far greater choices than a government. Choices tailored to your child's life. For instance, you can choose a school for your children where they are actually taught how to establish and maintain a budget, learn how our government works and study their religion. Not to mention that there is no reason a couple with no children should pay the same education bill as the couple with six children.

I could keep going but time restricts...

United we STAND!
I open carry for the same reason God gave poisonous animals bright colors.

Offline scot623

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To branch off on this issue, I'm amazed that cities and counties can't afford to provide some services people have grown accustomed to(maintaining parks ect.) Last time I checked there are thousands of inmates we can make do all these things for pennies per hour. Send out the non-violent offenders and make them work. Picking up trash, cutting grass, painting public buildings, cleaning up graffiti ect.. I don't get why all these guys do is watch tv and work out at our expense.

Offline autosurgeon

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And to add to that I think the folks on welfare should be doing some of that work too.

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Anything I post may be my opinion and not the law... you are responsible to do your own verification.

Blackstone (1753-1765) maintains that "the law holds that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."

Offline Bronson

  • Posts: 554
And to add to that I think the folks on welfare should be doing some of that work too.

We can't do that.  It would be too degrading for them.

Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. – Thomas Paine

Offline Bronson

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Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. – Thomas Paine

Offline Greyh Seer

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Re: Why do people blame tools of defense for acts of malice and violence?
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 10:19:11 AM »
To branch off on this issue, I'm amazed that cities and counties can't afford to provide some services people have grown accustomed to(maintaining parks ect.) Last time I checked there are thousands of inmates we can make do all these things for pennies per hour. Send out the non-violent offenders and make them work. Picking up trash, cutting grass, painting public buildings, cleaning up graffiti ect.. I don't get why all these guys do is watch tv and work out at our expense.

I often wonder why we have not done this.  In MI alone, our "correctional" system represents a very large "workforce" of extreamly cheap labor.  Things that we are desperatly trying to fund - roads, parks, etc could easily be done by convicts.  Wouldn't it be crazy if our "correctional" system was self sufficient and paid for itself???

No, no I'm just being crazy...;)