Broadcast a television show interviewing criminal and their opinions of societies laws. I am amazed at how many people I talk to feel it is better to restrict 95% of the population (honest citizens) in an effort to stop the other 5%. (Figures are made up here, I have not researched these percentages.) Once the general polulation realizes that laws only restrict honest citizens you have begun your misison.
Then, eliminate the penal system. For felony convictions, spend $0.50 for a bullet. Everything else is a trip to the public stocks for a week. Of course, you may have to reclassify a lot of offenses, but I believe the point is made.
Next, you eliminate societies tendancy towards anti-darwinsim by stopping forced entitlements. I am not saying that we shouldn't help those in need, just that it should be at our own discretion. When a man has to ask for help instead of having it come to his bridge card automatically every month, he is going to be more inclined to find a way to make his own living.
Then you move to the school system. Eliminate it. Education is a private matter and individuals are capable of making far greater choices than a government. Choices tailored to your child's life. For instance, you can choose a school for your children where they are actually taught how to establish and maintain a budget, learn how our government works and study their religion. Not to mention that there is no reason a couple with no children should pay the same education bill as the couple with six children.
I could keep going but time restricts...