Author Topic: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County  (Read 22505 times)

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Offline Michhunter

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2011, 03:04:22 PM »
That is a great letter......... thanks for sharing

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2011, 07:05:14 PM »

Ocing at Walmart (as I frequently do) and a man (in his 60s) came up to me and asked if I was that guy in the park... I replyed yes. He congratulated me for standing up for my rights and shook my hand! He stated that he is an employee for the city of Owosso and that him and a group of the guys were talking about that incident. We talked for a few minutes and parted ways... Fantastic oc day... To bad we are so few that I'm that easy to pick out...
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!

Offline Greyh Seer

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2011, 02:31:55 PM »
This is awesome!  :)

That has got to be some great positive reinforcement for you!  Keep up the good work!  Heck, I'd frame that! 

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2011, 07:17:53 PM »
Hehe... Starting a scrapbook! ;D
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!

Offline jeffsayers

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2011, 04:41:46 PM »
That is the best news I have heard in a long time!
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Offline ocdetroit

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2011, 07:07:28 PM »
 :) Yes Keep Standing Up.  8) Carry On.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2011, 07:48:39 PM »
Got another response in the paper the other day. Here is what it says:

Editor, The Independent:
This letter is in response to the gentleman (Daniel Brewer) who felt the need to carry a
handgun to the Fourth of July festivities at McCurdy Park, as detailed in his Letter to the Editor on Wednesday, July 20. I don't see any reason to carry a gun to an event like that. You have several officers with guns there for protection. You can leave your gun at home. You are safe.
Thousands of people were there, and you were more than likely the only one packing a gun besides law enforcement. That should tell you something. I am all for the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but carrying a gun to an event like that makes no sense to me. If I planned on attending an event I thought I may be threatened at - I probably wouldn't attend that event, and I certainly wouldn't take my wife and kids. You may feel more safe packing a gun there, but you make everyone else feel less safe. A gun to protect yourself at home, or recreational use - I am all for it, but toting a gun to a family festival, I am not for at all. So stop with the "my Constitutional rights were violated" stuff. The last thing I want to do is attend the Fourth of July celebration (which I was there, by the way) and have a bunch of people carrying handguns just to exercise their rights, or prove some kind of Point. I like to think I speak for the vast majority of people when I say please leave your guns at home if you attend the McCurdy Park Fourth of July celebration. Thank You.

Joe Bogue, Caledonia Charter Township

I have sent a reponse letter back to the Editor already. Here it is:
Joe Bogue wrote in response to my July 20th letter to the editor. My family and I feel the need to correct you an a few points Sir.
  First, You stated that the police were there (McCurdy Park) armed for our protection. In the case of, Warren vs DC, the court ruled “…official police personnel and the government employing them are not generally liable to victims of criminal acts for failure to provide adequate police protection.”  We are solely responsible for our own protection! A criminal will not wait for Law Enforcement to come to your rescue.
  Secondly, There are over 2,400 people in Shiawassee county with concealed pistol licenses (CPL). Therefore, if you think I was the only armed citizen in the park out of the thousands that were there, you have mistaken. In fact, I know of at least one other person in that park that was carrying (although it was concealed). The odds are there were more.
  Thirdly, You say that you support the Second Amendment, yet you tell me to leave my gun at home? Sir, bearing a firearm about your person is the very definition of the 2A. You say I should not take my family if I feel it might be unsafe. Tell that to Suzanna Gratia Hupp who went into a restaurant in Texas with her parents (should be safe enough), who were shot dead along with 21 others while her sidearm was in the car. Consider our two local citizens, one on the side of the road and the other at their place of business whom were murdered a couple of years ago. Each thought they were relatively safe in our community. Obviously, the police could not protect them. It could be any number of other people in this country who feel they are safe until a criminal invades their space. A criminal does not care about what the law says. They are lawbreakers. I say the “law abiding citizen” should have the upper hand!
And yes! My constitutional rights, no, YOUR constitutional rights were violated! The police “detained” me and refused to tell me why! The police broke the law, Sir, not me. They cannot detain you and not tell you why. That is a part of our 4th amendment rights.
Finally, I was not at McCurdy Park with my sidearm to make a point. I open carry everywhere I go every day (with the exception of work). I carry in every store I patron, walking down the sidewalk, to family functions, into the Secretary of State, and into restaurants for a family meal.
  Since my letter first appeared in the paper, I have had overwhelming support from other citizens in the community, people whom I have never met and of all ages. They have been thanking me for standing up for our rights. Our constitutional rights.  Our rights as Citizens of the United States of America.

Daniel Brewer
Armed American Citizen

 Hmm... We'll see.
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!


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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2011, 08:20:38 PM »
Bravo Nephew, Bravo!

Offline JoeCar

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2011, 11:58:50 PM »
Each of us has a God given right to our life, and thus we have a right to defend it...from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Very thorough reply letter! I'd like to nominate you for the poster person for MOC.

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2011, 02:11:02 PM »
The Indepenent printed my 2nd letter today (posted above) along with a letter of support for me! Here is that letter:

Editor, The Independent:

I'd like to ask Joe Bogue, who wrote a Letter to the Editor in The Independent, what dream world he lives in. Apparently it's a place where there are police on every corner tasked with keeping him safe. In his rant against Daniel Brewer legally carrying a gun at the McCurdy Park during the Fourth of July Celebration, he states that there were several police officers there with guns so everyone was safe. That is, except when Mr. Brewer was being shaken down by all of these officers. And for what? Not breaking the law? Minding his own business? What if a serious altercation at the other end of the park had happened at that time that required police intervention? Apparently the event wasn't as safe as Mr. Bogue alleges. He also states that out of thousands of people at the event, Mr. Brewer was probably the only one carrying a gun. Well, I would bet that Mr. Bogue is wrong and that he may even have been surrounded by many law-abiding citizens that carry guns with a concealed pistol license (CPL). With the number of CPL holders growing by leaps and bounds, I think that Mr. Bogue is actually in the minority when he thinks people don't legally carry firearms at such events. The fact that Mr. Brewer chose to carry his firearm openly is no cause for alarm. Too many people, such as Mr. Bogue, view the presence of a gun as somehow being "evil" rather than just the defensive tool that it is. He decries that guns have no place at a "family festival." Given the recent events of the tragedy in Norway, I disagree. All of those people were supposedly safe at that "family" event but upwards of 70 victims were slaughtered by a maniac - a maniac who posed as, of all professions, a police officer. It took the real police over an hour to get to these people. I've read reports where many of the surviving victims wished that they’d had access to a weapon, particularly a firearm, to defend themselves from this cold-blooded gunman. Mr. Brewer chooses to accept the personal responsibility for the safety of himself and family. His choice is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. He shouldn't be scorned nor hassled for exercising those rights. Perhaps if more people also exercised these rights, we would achieve the safe society that Mr. Bogue desires but apparently puts no effort into achieving.

Carl Stevens, Owosso
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!

Offline JoeCar

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2011, 09:51:44 AM »
Article 1, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution: Every person has the Right to keep and bear  arms for the defense of himself and the State. That is our state's 2nd Amend. statement. How many of our boob tube/electronic gadget addict citizens even know this? Our open carrying about this state does break their trance when we are in their presence. Also, a good analogy  as to the sanity of carrying and the acceptance of the responsibility to defend oneself, in the referencing of the recent murders of innocent Norwegian teens (while camping).

Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #51 on: August 04, 2011, 01:06:19 PM »
Wow great letter - thanks for posting it. I wish I lived in your area were most folks seem to "get it", the yahoo's by me all think a SWAT truck floats above every single one of them every day, waiting for their call to "fall into action". Only after they or a family member experiences a violent crime are they startled into the real world of do(carry) or die consequences.  ???

The Indepenent printed my 2nd letter today (posted above) along with a letter of support for me! Here is that letter:

Editor, The Independent:

I'd like to ask Joe Bogue, who wrote a Letter to the Editor in The Independent, what dream world he lives in. Apparently it's a place where there are police on every corner tasked with keeping him safe. In his rant against Daniel Brewer legally carrying a gun at the McCurdy Park during the Fourth of July Celebration, he states that there were several police officers there with guns so everyone was safe. That is, except when Mr. Brewer was being shaken down by all of these officers. And for what? Not breaking the law? Minding his own business? What if a serious altercation at the other end of the park had happened at that time that required police intervention? Apparently the event wasn't as safe as Mr. Bogue alleges. He also states that out of thousands of people at the event, Mr. Brewer was probably the only one carrying a gun. Well, I would bet that Mr. Bogue is wrong and that he may even have been surrounded by many law-abiding citizens that carry guns with a concealed pistol license (CPL). With the number of CPL holders growing by leaps and bounds, I think that Mr. Bogue is actually in the minority when he thinks people don't legally carry firearms at such events. The fact that Mr. Brewer chose to carry his firearm openly is no cause for alarm. Too many people, such as Mr. Bogue, view the presence of a gun as somehow being "evil" rather than just the defensive tool that it is. He decries that guns have no place at a "family festival." Given the recent events of the tragedy in Norway, I disagree. All of those people were supposedly safe at that "family" event but upwards of 70 victims were slaughtered by a maniac - a maniac who posed as, of all professions, a police officer. It took the real police over an hour to get to these people. I've read reports where many of the surviving victims wished that they’d had access to a weapon, particularly a firearm, to defend themselves from this cold-blooded gunman. Mr. Brewer chooses to accept the personal responsibility for the safety of himself and family. His choice is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. He shouldn't be scorned nor hassled for exercising those rights. Perhaps if more people also exercised these rights, we would achieve the safe society that Mr. Bogue desires but apparently puts no effort into achieving.

Carl Stevens, Owosso
"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
 -Jeffrey Snyder 1993

Offline jeffsayers

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #52 on: August 04, 2011, 04:47:44 PM »
"If I planned on attending an event I thought I may be threatened at - I probably wouldn't attend that event, and I certainly wouldn't take my wife and kids."

So, this guy knew the police were there and that they were armed correct? The police do carry their sidearms for protection right? And of course they wouldn't need protection if the place was "SAFE" right? Yet the knucklehead still took his wife and kids. Too bad he has already procreated.
United we STAND!
I open carry for the same reason God gave poisonous animals bright colors.

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: Detained by Corruna PD in Shiawassee County
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2011, 07:14:31 PM »
Jeff... That is some funny crap...I wish I would have thought of that! duh
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!