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Lansing Rally article Detroit Free Press
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:02:47 AM »
2nd Amendment
supporters bring firearms to rally

By Dawson Bell
Free Press Lansing Bureau

LANSING -- The state Capitol was swarming with supporters of the Second Amendment
today, as about 250 people gathered on the steps for a rally and tour of the building in preparation
for a larger rally next week in Washington, D.C.

Although not as loud or as large as many past demonstrations (for gun rights and other
causes), today’s event was distinctive in one way — many if not most of the participants were
openly carrying firearms. Although they remained holstered or slung over shoulders, the
armed citizens were conspicuous as they strolled the corridors and watched a session of the state
House from a gallery above the floor after the outdoor rally.

Under Michigan law, those who can legally own a firearm are permitted to carry it openly in most
public places. But today’s demonstration tested the limits. Officers at the State Police post at the
Capitol said they initially believed only handguns would be permitted inside, but later relented for
those with shotguns and rifles. The House and Senate chambers are gun-free zones by rule of
the individual chambers. Speaker Andy Dillon waived the rule on the House side during their  afternoon session.

Brian Jeffs, one of the organizers of the Michigan Second Amendment March, said that neither
open or concealed carry will be permitted at the nation’s capital, which has strict (gun rights
advocates call them oppressive) restrictions on firearms.

But aside from a few curious stares from unarmed tourists and lobbyists, Lansing’s unusual visitors stirred little commotion. Jeffs said the event was organized over the last year in response to concerns that President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress might seek tighter gun controls. About 25 states across the country have scheduled Second Amendment Marches, he said, in an effort to “let everyone know that there are a lot of us in Middle America.”

So far most of their fears about Congress have not been realized, Jeffs said, so the march has
become “more of a celebration.”

Contact Dawson Bell: 517-372-8661 or
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