I was hunting with my pistol on public state game/hunting land in Lake Orion (northern oakland county) and was approached by an oakland county police officer. He had no problem that I was openly carrying a pistol, but he had no idea that it was legal to hunt with a pistol in the shotgun zone. I was with 3 other hunters and we had killed a deer so he called DNR and they came out and made sure we were doing everything legally. DNR confirmed that it is indeed legal to hunt with a pistol, but the DNR officer tried telling me that my 9mm was too small to hunt with. I knew he was incorrect because I looked up the minimum caliber required to hunt with and it is .350. A 9mm luger cartridge is .356 in diameter. No tickets were given and it was dark so they let us leave. Next time I go out hunting, I will have some kind of reference on me that states that a 9mm cartridge converts to .356 inch/caliber.