Author Topic: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot  (Read 8552 times)

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Offline Dannyp1019

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What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« on: November 01, 2011, 01:43:00 AM »
I've had a lot of people criticizing me lately for OCing around my children (ages 3 & 1) which doesn't really bother me but got me to start really thinking about what age is a good age to begin teaching them how to shoot if anybody has any advice or experiences to shareI would love to hear what fellow OCers think

Offline JoeCar

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 08:47:31 AM »
When your kids are old enough to understand, and you tell them to "Don't touch!" of course they are going to want to because of the taboo you put on it. I'd say ask your wife's opinion. How old were you when you first shot a firearm? My first firearm was a .22 single shot. My dad would remove the bolt action so that it could only be used with him present. So it sat in my closet, leaned against the wall. I think I was about 14 when I had control of the bolt.

Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 10:07:00 AM »
My daughter was 11when she first shot... I think that children learn different things at different ages. I think 9 or 10 is a good age if you have a suitable firearm for someone of that stature. People these days raise their kids with all kinds of oddball ideas. I think being brought up in the presents of firearms is quite fundamentally American! But obviously, society is constantly changing.
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Offline venator

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 03:09:09 PM »
I started my daughter at age 6 with a BB gun.  We shot in the basement using the NRA BB gun format and target.  She worked her way up through their levels and I got her the patches and medals the NRA provide.  It's a great starting platform.  Though be warned, she is now 17 and doesn't care that much about shooting anymore.  But at least she can if she needs to or decides later to take it up again.
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Offline Christian Patriot

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 03:22:38 PM »
Thats a cool idea Brian! Got more info on how to get patches and stuff?
If you act like a horses bodonka donk, you should be treated as such, so, be of good character!

Offline Dannyp1019

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 07:03:23 PM »
Thanks for the input and more to come And joe my gun experience as child was none as far as from any adults and it made me not really understand the respect and saftey needed with firearms Ishot a .357 with a buddy at 9 and that was the first time I'd even seen a real gun but my kids see my gun on me everyday and think that this has helped already my 3yr old daughter already knows she can't touch it and now she sees it so often she doesn't even act like its there Ihave done a little talking with her about saftey but she is a very smart and mature 3yr old. Ibelive myself that all kids should be thought about them instead of just trying to hide them it will just make them less curious as they get older and may come in contact with some idiots gun that decided not to keep locked up and safe from kids and someone ends up hurt or killed cuz the kids are un-educated     

Offline hamaneggs

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 07:31:54 PM »
It's wise to train them up when they are very young,treating it as a treat,starting them out like Brian did.This eliminates the "curiosity that killed the cat" as long as they are totaly supervised and all safety lessons are observed and understood by the child.If the guns are stored safely and you treat the shooting as something to look forward to.
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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 10:01:27 AM »
I started teaching my son at 4. I gave him a starter pistol. This was used to teach safe handling. It also got him accustomed to the report. It was his "real" gun. Kept with mine and away from the "toy" guns.

It worked for us. I gave him his first 16ga at 10, SS Colt Officers at 14, Savage 30.06 at 16, Glock 23 at 18, HK91 at 25, HK USP at 30, Tommy Gun at 35.

He and I both carry around his 3 year old. Starting her the same way. Again this worked for us. You need to consider your own circumstances before introducing guns to anyone.
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Offline venator

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 03:19:46 PM »
Thats a cool idea Brian! Got more info on how to get patches and stuff?
Here is a start.  I would call or email them.  They sent me the patchs and medals for free, don't know if they do that anymore.  I may have some targets left.

Here is a pdf with patches and medals, etc...
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Offline JSteinmetz

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 01:32:16 PM »
My 2- and 4-year olds both know what guns are and what they can do, but do not shoot yet (besides the nerf variety, that is).   My 9 year old already handles my .357, AR-15, and 9mm with no problems.  The 12, 20, and .410 are a little much for him right now, but he's small for his age.  The only problem I have with him is he is actually really good, and he knows it.  When shooting BB guns at Cub Scout events, he has a tendency to switch to left-handed (he is naturally right-handed) and other things just to show off to the other Cubs.  I'm working on teaching him some humility, but at that age they know everything, and there is nothing else you can teach them.
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Offline Glock19

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2011, 10:36:07 AM »
my son is now 6 and since he was about 3 hes asked about my gun (glock 17) i continue even now to tell him about gun safety and what guns do. and every so often i let him try and hold it (unloaded!!!) to see how he holds and looks at it and it ask him about guns in general, he always tells me what i have taught him. i stand behind him and let him pick it up; he says  its to heavy and he doesn't like it!  he does play with Nerf guns, and he can shoot BB guns surprisingly well. i use BB gun to get him used to correctly handle guns and how to shoot.  have not yet tried to let him shoot anything else, hes kinda scared of loud noises (most paintball markers are loud to him). its most important to me that he knows what guns are and what they do, and how to correctly handle them safely. as a child i didn't have much experience with guns at all. until i was about 16 and moved to Michigan. Safety is #1 priority! i do OC and CC with him almost everywhere we go. i think its important for children to learn about gun safety; not just how to use them but also what to do if they find one and who to talk to about it.  to me everything a child learns starts at home.  i have friends who don't have or really don't like guns; but they too agree about teaching gun safety too. i am no expert about this matter but i teach what i know and practice to my son.  i think by next year if he continues to show respect and good safety practices with the BB guns and Nerf guns i will take him shooting with 22 and the first couple times going having him watch and be there to adjust to noises and seeing other being safe too. he does ask about going shooting from time to time, so in know hes interested but think a little more time to learn is needed. he is primarily a righty but stands and shoots BB gun as lefty, I'm a righty so it seems backwards to me so I'm trying to adjust to help him learn. i think there is no need to rush into shooting as a child, until they are completely ready themselves. if anyone has suggestions they are welcome and appreciated.

Offline Markalon

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2011, 01:43:13 PM »
My two sons started off with bb guns in cub scouts. Along with the gun safety they learned there, I also started teaching them gun safety even on their nerf guns. Never too young to start teaching gun safety.

When my youngest turned 10 (his brother is now 12), I introduced them to all my firearms. For their birthdays in August, I got them each their very own 22LR rifles, much to the chagrin of their mother (she despises firearms). I got them bolt actions to begin with to teach them to slow down and learn/master the basics. They have a great time when going to the range with me, and they show great respect for their firearms and handle them, and all the rest, extremely well.

Personally, I would have liked to have started teaching them much earlier, say, around 5 years old.
Mark - 2A Firearms, Livonia, MI - I carry a gun because cops are too damn heavy. - Discount Firearms, Ammunition

Offline Woody

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Re: What's a reasonable age to start learning to shoot
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2011, 07:04:02 AM »
Well I would say alot depends on how good the little ones attention sapn is. I have 2, 5 yo grand sons that have both shot my S&W 22. And one goes hunting with his dad for a weekend for the last couple years now.I say if they are interested in it they will let you know.But I wouldnt push them.