No that's alright I'll stay here as it relates to this thread, was just curious why all the sudden a fundraiser for this case that will be tied up here rather than a general fund that could be voted by the board to be used on any cases that come up? I understand a proactive approach but why not build a general fund that can be moved to this?
You apparently are not aware what CADL vs MOC means that CADL sued Michigan Open Carry directly. We had to answer the complaint, we had no choice in the matter.
There was more at issue here than just carrying a legal handgun into a library as was set forth in motion by CADL when they challenged the courts into defining that "Open Carrying" was in fact brandishing.
If we did not answer the complaint and allowed CADL to go before the judge without our lawyers, we may today have an order banning us from OPEN CARRYING.
I’m not sure why you thought MOC got involved in this, but understand we were dragged into this and it outcome directly affects YOU, me and every one of the 344,000 CPL holders in this state.
You don’t want to join MOC, fine, you and everybody who carries in Michigan has benefited by the efforts of MOC since they started in 2009. Without MOC there would have been more Ham and Eggs issues, T-Mack issues, Ponderosa issues and others that happened well before I came along.
Last year at the Detroit Ho-Down Open Carriers and CC carries as well would have been at the least ticket and possibly thrown in jail for exercising their rights if the DPD knew that they were carrying a weapon on public land. Thanks to MOC efforts we were welcomed with ZERO issues. Public areas of Royal Oak and Taylor would still be PFZ Zones
Seems to me you are willing to take advantage of what MOC has done over the last 3 years but unwilling to do anything but let us know that you wont join or support MOC.
I became a member because I believe in open carrying. MOC was the group leading the way, in fact they were the only group. Did I believe in everything MOC was doing and how they were doing it, nope and that is why I ran for the Board of Directors.
If you are unhappy about the way MOC is handling things, get involved. That way you can actually SEE the process and become a part of it.