Author Topic: Second open carry  (Read 3807 times)

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Offline ocdetroit

  • Posts: 462
  • First Name (Displayed): THE BIG O
Second open carry
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:37:29 PM »
please read my reply #6 on my first oc. and respond to it which is my second stop while open carrying  i put in a reply insted of a new topic. today 4-27-2010.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.

Offline EM87

  • Posts: 78
Re: Second open carry
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 10:45:21 AM »
From the original thread:

Thanks guys since my first OC in Detroit Southwest side, i have been ocing everyday. I did like you said and got a black hawk serpra. I love it my cpl should be in the mail by friday april 30th 2010. Yes i was stopped today just before i went into the gas station. The leo's pulled up and called me on the bull horn i walked over to the cop car and the leo said what is that? I replied Open Carry. He said you are just walking around like. I said yes its a law in michigan. Again he said with a gun like that. I said yes. At that time the other leo on the drivers side asked if i had a cpl, i told him no. Then the other leo asked for my ID i told them i do not need a cpl or id to open carry. Buuuut i want to cooperate i gave him my id he called his super and i over heard his super read of the michigan open law to him and his partner. You guys would not believe what the leo said to his super. He said what? Why did i become a police officer for. I was shocked dumbfounded by that. Anyway he asked me if i was a lawyer, i told him no but I have fellow open carriers i talk to and read about our laws in Michigan so i gave them some info to keep and read on oc in Michigan (Detroit). The never got out of the car like my first oc stop. And said ok you can go. Thanks guys i'm getting better and loving it. CARRY ON.

My reply:

Not to point out the negative before the positive, but I want to make sure you don't get in trouble.... Does the gas station you were going to sell alcohol?  Actually, don't answer that on a public forum if it's a "yes" because you would be admitting to breaking the law.  Without a CPL it is unlawful to carry anywhere that sells alcohol.  Make sure you know EVERYTHING in MCL 750.234d!

Other than that, sounds like a pretty smooth encounter.
"You'll be walking along.. OC.. and you'll feel GREAT. You'll feel FREEEEE like 1776 kind of Free." -cscitney87 (from

Offline ocdetroit

  • Posts: 462
  • First Name (Displayed): THE BIG O
Re: Second open carry
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 05:37:01 PM »

    Thanks I read it and i am aware all is good oc'ed today no problem. Carry On.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.