Author Topic: Constitutional Carry Rally info  (Read 8898 times)

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Constitutional Carry Rally info
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:29:27 PM »
What: Constitutional Carry Rally
Where: East lawn of the State Capitol, Lansing, MI
When: Saturday, May 19, 2012
Time: noon-3:00 PM
Who: Citizens League for Self-Defense

Contact: John Roshek, President
Citizens League for Self-Defense

Noon-12:15 PM: Element Opie

12:15-12:20: Welcome and intro Brian Jeffs—John Roshek

12:20-12:30: Brian Jeffs

12:30-12:35: Intro for Michael Trebesh-JR

12:35-12:45: Michael Trebesh

12:45-1:00: Element Opie

1:00-1:05 Intro for Steven Dulan-JR

1:05-1:15: Steven Dulan

1:15-1:20 Intro for MGO-JR

1:20:1:30 Michael Thiede
1:30-1:35: Intro for John Roshek—BJ

1:35-1:45: John Roshek

1:45-2:00: Element Opie

2:00-2:05 Intro for Doc Thompson- JR

2:05-2:20: Doc Thompson

2:20-2:25: Intro for Larry Pratt—JR

2:25-2:50: Larry Pratt

2:50-3:00: Wrap-up and finish with Element Opie
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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 09:21:51 PM »
Isn't John Roshek one of the people that helped to get SB59 torpedoed?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 09:28:11 PM by CV67PAT »
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 01:51:44 PM »
Isn't John Roshek one of the people that helped to get SB59 torpedoed?
Not that I'm aware of.  If you know otherwise please post evidence.
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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2012, 10:59:39 PM »
His blog opposing the bill that was posted all over the internet is evidence enough. It was quoted repeatedly. You even defended him on OCDO.
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Great article, terrible picture
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2012, 10:03:04 AM »

LANSING, MI — Gun rights activists from throughout Michigan gathered at the Capitol on Saturday to promote easing restrictions on carrying firearms.
The group wants Michigan to become a “constitutional carry” state, where concealed weapon licenses are not required and there generally aren’t restrictions on how or where guns are carried. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming have similar laws.
“What we are trying to accomplish by this rally and future and ongoing efforts, is having our Second Amendment rights restored back to their original intent as laid out in our Constitution by our Founding Fathers,” said John Roshek, president of the Citizens League for Self Defense.
“I don’t know about you, but personally I find it a little absurd that I can walk down the street, I can lawfully open carry, but if I want to put my coat on because it's cold or If I want to get in my car, I have to get a permission slip from the state and I have to pay a fee on top of that,” he said to a crowd of about 100 people as the rally kicked off Saturday afternoon.
Michigan allows residents to openly carry legally owned firearms without a license except for in certain pistol-free areas. There also are restrictions on transporting guns without a license. Concealed pistol license holders may carry guns hidden from view in certain areas.
Lawmakers are considering a major overhaul of the concealed handgun law that would streamline licensing and allow permit holders with extra training to carry hidden handguns in “gun-free” zones like schools, college classrooms, and other places they are now banned.
Related: Sweeping changes proposed for Michigan concealed handgun law
Grand Rapids resident Tim Beahan, 54, supports the legislation.
“Right now we have a patchwork of agencies that are taking care of the concealed pistol licenses and unfortunately there’s no consistency,” he said, adding that some jurisdictions take much longer to administer licenses than others.
But given the choice, he’d prefer Michigan remove restrictions and become the fifth “constitutional carry” state. Beahan and his wife, Sandra, said they open carry to protect themselves from people who may view them as an easy target.
Those in favor of gun control say stricter regulations save lives and help keep guns away from dangerous people. Constitutional carry supporters say just the opposite.
“It will not increase crime, and very likely, in places like Detroit where they’ve had great restrictions and in other anti-Second Amendment jurisdictions, you’re going to see crime go down, because the crooks are going to know, ‘Uh oh, he might be carrying, she might be carrying,’” said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, a national lobby group based in Springfield, Va.
For 14-year-old Bretta Overly of Lansing and her friend, Alexis Farmer, 13, of Grand Ledge, both said they feel safer knowing their fathers have guns.
They also plan to carry firearms when they’re old enough. Michigan residents must be 18 to openly carry and 21 to apply for a concealed pistol license.
Jeremiah Chesney, 22, of Jackson, said he carries his shotgun down the street to desensitize the public.
“There are some people who react very strongly and negatively, but I think the more that people see firearms carried peacefully, the less they’ll expect sort of action-movie things to happen,” he said. “I think there are a lot of people whose only exposure to firearms is through violence in films. I don’t think that’s constructive.”
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Another good article- no bias, no slant, no spin
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2012, 10:08:15 AM »

Armed with rifles, pistols, flags and banners, about 150 people rallied for gun rights Saturday on the lawn of the Capitol, warning lawmakers not to rollback firearms possession laws such as “stand your ground.”

Speakers urged lawmakers to expand gun rights by making Michigan the fifth U.S. state to adopt “constitutional carry,” essentially removing restrictions and licensing provisions for concealed carry.

Michigan already allows open carry for those 18 or older who are carrying a firearm that is legally registered and holstered in plain view, said rally organizer John Roshek, president of the Citizens League for Self Defense.

“Constitutional carry is about having no permits or permission slips from the state in order to be able to carry a gun,” he said. “It starts with repealing all pistol-free zones. It starts with repealing the concealed pistol license laws. We feel if you are legally able to obtain and purchase a firearm that is the only permit you should need.”
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2012, 10:12:29 AM »

Gun rights supporters rally at state Capitol

By Associated Press
Lansing- More than 100 people turned out at the Michigan Capitol to call for a law that would allow them to carry concealed guns without permits anywhere in the state.

The event Saturday was aimed at encouraging Michigan lawmakers to join a handful of states where laws generally don't restrict how or where a gun is carried or require a concealed weapon license. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming have similar laws.

The Citizens League for Self Defense says it wants Michigan to become the fifth state. The group's president, John Roshek, says it's a "little absurd" to be allowed to show a gun while walking down a street but barred from wearing it under a coat without permission.

From The Detroit News:
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2012, 10:14:05 AM »

LANSING, Mich. -
More than 100 people turned out at the Michigan Capitol to call for a law that would allow them to carry concealed guns without permits anywhere in the state.

The event Saturday was aimed at encouraging Michigan lawmakers to join a handful of states where laws generally don't restrict how or where a gun is carried or require a concealed weapon license. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming have similar laws.

The Citizens League for Self Defense says it wants Michigan to become the fifth state. The group's president, John Roshek, says it's a "little absurd" to be allowed to show a gun while walking down a street but barred from wearing it under a coat without permission.
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2012, 10:15:37 AM »

LANSING -- LANSING, Mich. (AP) - More than 100 people turned out at the Michigan Capitol to call for a law that would allow them to carry concealed guns without permits anywhere in the state.

The event Saturday was aimed at encouraging Michigan lawmakers to join a handful of states where laws generally don't restrict how or where a gun is carried or require a concealed weapon license. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming have similar laws.

The Citizens League for Self Defense says it wants Michigan to become the fifth state. The group's president, John Roshek, says it's a "little absurd" to be allowed to show a gun while walking down a street but barred from wearing it under a coat without permission.
Its not GUN rights, its HUMAN rights.

Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2012, 10:22:19 AM »
Note to all- its about HUMAN rights, not GUN rights. Guns have no rights, HUMANS do. We've been duped by the forces of darkness to use their terminology. Lets switch the the correct name for the problem- we're being deprived of our HUMAN RIGHTS.
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2012, 10:28:34 AM »

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) – More than 100 people with their guns on display gathered on Saturday at the state capitol to voice their belief in their right the bear arms. It was all part of a Constitutional Carry rally sponsored by the Citizens League for Self-Defense.

John Rosek, the organization's president, says Constitutional Carry simply means using the second amendment as the only guide for carrying a concealed weapon – even without a permit or license.

"We want to get all pistol-free zones, concealed pistol license laws repealed. We want to go back to the original intent as laid out in our constitution in regards to the second amendment," says Rosek.

Others at the rally say they also believe that Constitutional Carry will help cut down on crime.

"The criminals are going to have guns regardless. If they see other people with guns, they're going to be less likely to use them," says Jim Gulliksen of the Michigan Militia.

Currently, only four states nationwide have adopted Constitutional Carry. Having this as law would allow concealed weapons in places like churches, banks, theaters, hospitals and day care centers.

Right now in Michigan, anyone wishing to carry concealed weapons must apply and be approved for a CPL (concealed pistol license).
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Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2012, 10:31:38 AM »

Organizers hope to make Michigan fifth "Constitutional Carry" state
By Mark Brush

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user Joshuashearn / wikimedia commons
The Citizens League for Self-Defense plans to hold a "Constitutional Carry" rally in Lansing on May 19.

Their goal is to strip the laws in Michigan that limit a person's ability to carry a concealed handgun.

They're also organizing a petition drive.

The rally comes as Michigan lawmakers debate legislation that would allow permit holders to carry concealed handguns in places where concealed guns are currently off-limits under the law, such as sports stadiums, churches, and schools, so long as they get extra training.

MLive's John Barnes reports, "organizers of the rally would like to take that a step further":

 “We feel that the political climate is getting right for being able to recognize constitutional carry in Michigan,” said John Roshek, president of the Citizens League for Self Defense.

“The goal of the rally is to get Michigan to be the fifth constitutional carry state in the country.”

Currently Alaska, Arizona, Vermont, and Wyoming allow the carrying of concealed firearms without restrictions.

The Citizens League for Self-Defense says the constitution is clear:

The 2nd Amendment is clear, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It does not state "Unless you have a license or permission". Until our 2A rights are restored nationwide we support CPL's for the purpose of reciprocity with other states, but they should not be a requirement to carry a concealed pistol.

The amendment states:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

And here's how that amendment has been interpreted over time from

*Correction - an earlier post was titled "Organizers hope to make Michigan sixth 'Constitutional Carry' state." We changed it to "fifth" to reflect states that have no restrictions. Depending on how you count, some count Montana in the group. We also clarified language pertaining to "gun free zones" in Michigan.
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Offline venator

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2012, 10:27:21 AM »
His blog opposing the bill that was posted all over the internet is evidence enough. It was quoted repeatedly. You even defended him on OCDO.
I asked you for evidence that he torpedoed the bill.  I thought it was the Senator that backed out for "re-tooling" because of the opposition from the left and anti-gun groups like hospitals, the Sheriff's association, etc.  I think you are giving too much credit.
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2012, 11:31:15 AM »
I would like to thank all of you that came out to the rally. It was a great line-up of speakers. The band sounded great and the weather couldn't have been better.

I want to thank the professional Michigan pro-gun groups that were represented there on Saturday. MGO, MCRGOs, 2nd Amendment March, and Citizens League for Self-defense and all the behind the scenes volunteers, wives, friends and gun supporters. Thank you.

I want to thank Larry Pratt, Doc Thompson, Steven Dulan, Mike Trebesh, and Mike Thiede for taking the time to attend and to do it without financial profit to themselves. I also thank John Roshek for organizing the rally.

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Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2012, 11:35:29 AM »
Next year, portapotties.... ::)
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2012, 02:16:38 PM »
Next year, portapotties.... ::)

The Capitol has always been open on Saturdays and recently has closed due to budget concerns.  If we had know they did that we would have had johns.  Also the food vendor never showed up.  John and I saw him out selling hot-dogs that night downtown.  John asked him why he didn't show up, he just shrugged.  He was recommended by the Capitol staff that handles rallies, Nice...
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2012, 02:25:57 PM »
"Clint" the hotdog man?

He sets up on the corner of Michigan and Capitol all the time at lunch during the week.  He also sets up during the bar rush downtown on weekend nights.

He's a friend of the Ingham County Republicans too.  He was at their County Convention.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 02:28:59 PM by TheQ »
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2012, 02:29:44 PM »
"Clint" the hotdog man?

He sets up on the corner of Michigan and Capitol all the time at lunch during the week.  He also sets up during the bar rush downtown on weekend nights.

He's a friend of the Ingham County Republicans too.  He was at their County Convention.

Yes he is the guy.  He is approved to vend on Capitol grounds.  He was scheduled to be there, but had no reason why he didn't show up when we asked him later that day.
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Re: Constitutional Carry Rally info
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2012, 08:36:29 PM »
Yes he is the guy.  He is approved to vend on Capitol grounds.  He was scheduled to be there, but had no reason why he didn't show up when we asked him later that day.

Too bad :(  He makes nice hotdogs.
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