Author Topic: Law Practices with Known Firearm Specializations  (Read 24495 times)

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Law Practices with Known Firearm Specializations
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:21:23 PM »
Do you need an attorney who has a firm grasp of Michigan's firearm laws? Are you looking to set up a NFA Trust? Please consider our referral for the following attorneys.

If you find yourself in Legal Trouble because of possession/use of a firearm we advise you not to post about it here, anywhere else on our forum, or anywhere on the Internet.
  Instead we encourage you to reach out to a lawyer who specializes in the area of law your needs are in to privately discuss your individual needs (in a manner where Attorney-Client privileged applies).  This is a list of lawyers known to MOC to have practices that specialize in firearms.

Feel free to contact them for your other attorney needs as well. Is your attorney pro-2A?

Dean G. Greenblatt PLC
4190 Telegraph Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-2079
Phone: (248) 644-7520
Known Forum Names: Hyperion (OCDO)
Dean is Michigan Open Carry, Inc. corporate counsel.  He is "first chair" in Capital Area District Library v. Michigan Open Carry, Inc.  He has fought cases for persons ticketed for "open carry" on several occasions and got the cases quickly dismissed.

Law Office of Melissa M. Pearce
1100 Corporate Office Drive, Suite 100
Milford. MI 48381
Known Forum Names: mpearce (MOC, MGO)
Melissa is a volunteer participant in our Ask a Firearms Attorney Forum area.  In the past she has helped Michigan Open Carry, Inc. by doing the law portion of a CPL Fundraiser we held.  Additionally, (at the time of writing) she holds the record for payout in Michigan in a 42 USC 1983 civil rights infraction civil lawsuit.

James Makowski
6528 Schaefer Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: (313) 584-1404
Known Forum Names: Shyster (MOC, MGO)
Jim has represented Michigan Gun Owners in cases such as Michigan Gun Owners v Capital Area District Library.  He has also handled open carry criminal cases (involving the Open Carry of a riffle) such as People v Combs.

Law Offices of Steven W. Dulan
1750 East Grand River Ave.
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Phone: (517) 333-7132
Steve is a law professor at Cooley Law School as well as running his own private practice.  Additionally, he is on the board of directors for Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners as well as their corporate counsel.  In the past, he has won civil payouts in 42 USC 1983 cases such as Haman v. City of Warren.

David A. Bieganowski, Esq. David A. Bieganowski, PLC
400 E. Eighth Street
PO Box 426
Traverse City, MI 49685-0426
(231) 947-6073
David Bieganowski, AKA the "Marine Lawyer," is a general practice attorney in Traverse City who has frequently been involved with firearm issues over his 17 years of practice. He is a founding member of MCRGO, Patron Life Member of the NRA, Range Safety Officer of the Cedar Rod & Gun Club, former MUCC Director, former Marine Embassy Security Guard, and member of Grand Traverse County Concealed Weapons Licensing Board.

He received his firearm training in the Marines and at the FBI academy in Quantico, Va. He is an NRA Certified Instructor for Personal Protection in the Home, Basic Pistol, and Refuse to be a Victim as well as an NRA Range Safety Officer and IDPA Range Safety Officer. He is also DNR Hunter's Safety Instructor.  David teaches both the legal and firearms portion of CCW classes and has had over 2,000 students since taking his MCRGO sponsored NRA instructor training in 2001.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 10:04:03 AM by »
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).