Did you already get the results and you're just making sure everyone commits before you drop the news?
Dean will get a copy snail mail to him one day before they go out on the public email listserv. This means he may not even receive the snail mail before it goes public. Sadly, we won't be hearing about it any sooner than the press. That gives us little time to prepare comment.
Have our media person and the board prepare comments for either outcome.
I already prepared comments on the Banishing part of the case and distributed it to the Leadership email. No comments were returned. So that part is done.
That being said, your suggestion oversimplifies the problem. There are numerous possible outcomes, some we cannot even imagine right now. There's just too many things they could do for each part of the case.
I have talked to Dean about "likely outcomes".
Obviously, we will be issuing a press release within an hour or two of being notified by the decision. Persons interested in partaking in the drafting/revision of the press release should remain "at the ready", for there will be little time.
We can always have multiple published revisions of the release.