Author Topic: OC MJR in Westland  (Read 4771 times)

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Offline Nav0341

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OC MJR in Westland
« on: August 05, 2012, 10:31:02 PM »
So, my 6yr old son and I have been waiting for a chance to go see the new Batman movie. After a busy weekend of work work work, I asked if he wanted to go tonight.... Of course he did! So while he was getting ready, I looked up MJR's theatre policies online.

They are:


Theatre Policy:
Costumes, Masks or like attire is not permitted in the theatre.

Please, NO OUTSIDE Food or Beverages Allowed
Children 6 & under are NOT PERMITTED into R RATED features at ANYTIME

Children 6 & under are NOT PERMITTED into PG-13 RATED features after 6PM

A Parent or Guardian MUST ACCOMPANY Minors under 17 to R rated movies   

Movie Reward points are not eligible with any purchase with a Hollywood Movie Money, or Movie Cash check

So I was like  ??? then I was like  ;D and I strapped on the holster and away we went. On the way there, I was thinking to myself "this might be a perfect opportunity to pass out an MOC Flyer." ....."crap! they're on my desk." I didn't have time to turn around, and usually I have a couple in my car for circumstances like these.

On the way there, I asked my son some questions like "Why does your daddy carry a gun?" and so on. The reason I ask my children these questions is because there is a very real possibility that someday they could be being asked those questions by someone other than myself, and they need to know the right way to word their answers.... or to be able to not answer at all, but that is very very difficult for a child. (that is an entirely different subject, for the sake of this thread I will just leave it at that.) I also asked him "what should I do if they ask me to leave my gun in the car?" He said, "well if they do then maybe we should never come here, we can just wait longer for movies to buy them in Wal-Mart, they let you carry your gun in Wal-Mart." I chuckled a bit when he said that. But he was cool with it, if I was asked to disarm we would just leave.

When we got there, I did nothing in particular to "hide" I also did nothing in particular to "show" my strong side. I just walked around as like I would if I were unarmed. I paid for our tickets, we walked to the restroom for a pre-movie potty-break, and then proceeded to watch the movie. about 2/3 of the way through, my son was thirsty and had to use the restroom again. So we went out in the lobby, stood in a fairly decent length of a line. Then we went back to finish watching the movie.

Can you imagine that... A big 'ole movie theatre, with plenty of people, and even shortly after the Aurora, CO incident and NO ONE went running to the door or making a scene. I can't say 100% that anyone even noticed I was armed, but that is kinda the point I guess. However there were PLENTY of opportunities for someone to take notice.

For the time being, I'm chalking it up as a theatre that I will continue to frequent.

Offline yance

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Re: OC MJR in Westland
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 01:49:20 PM »
A few people on other forums questioned if us OCer's should continue to OC or just conceal for a short time during the CO aftermath, my response was "yes we should" first we should stand up for our rights and not let a single situation sway us from exercising them.  Second, if there is ever a time to demonstrate that law abiding, non threatening, citizens carry firearms, it is now, we shouldnt let events stop us from living our lives as we have lived it every day before an event such as the CO shooting.   We should continue live our lives as we always have.

I'm glad your night out with your son was relatively uneventful as far as OC goes and thank you for sharing it.

Offline Nav0341

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Re: OC MJR in Westland
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2012, 07:10:12 PM »
I agree 100%. I was somewhat expecting to catch some flak due to the recent events in Colorado. But I was plenty prepared for it, and at the same time I also thought... what better time? This is when it matters the most.

Offline ocdetroit

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Re: OC MJR in Westland
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2012, 10:58:09 PM »
+1 I agree also. Live goes on. Carry On.
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.

Offline drtodd

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Re: Re: OC MJR in Westland
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2012, 11:27:49 PM »
A few people on other forums questioned if us OCer's should continue to OC or just conceal for a short time during the CO aftermath, my response was "yes we should" first we should stand up for our rights and not let a single situation sway us from exercising them.  Second, if there is ever a time to demonstrate that law abiding, non threatening, citizens carry firearms, it is now, we shouldnt let events stop us from living our lives as we have lived it every day before an event such as the CO shooting.   We should continue live our lives as we always have.

I'm glad your night out with your son was relatively uneventful as far as OC goes and thank you for sharing it.

Not only that, but since most movie theaters in Michigan's metro areas have seating for 2500+, the only way to guarantee that you can protect yourself and stay compliant with the law is to OC. I think OCers AND people who generally CC should open carry in MI's PFZs en mass. If the legislature doesn't like it, they've got a bill just sitting there that would fix the situation. Their concerns are truly idiotic when one considers that firearms are already allowed in these areas... they just must be carried openly. Their concern regarding OC scaring people is BS, why not get rid of the PFZs so that people can choose NOT to OC if people are so offended by it?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 11:30:35 PM by drtodd »
"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime." Miller v. U.S. 230 F 486 at 489

"Where rights as secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which will abrogate them." Miranda v. Ariz., 384 U.S. 436 at 491 (1966).