I made my calls today, and here are the results:
1st call: Senator Mike Nofs (my Senator): I got voice mail and left a message, stating I would be calling back in a week to check.
2nd call: Senator Randy Richardville: After telling the receptionist what I was calling about, I was transferred to an aid named Connor. As I began explaining my call, Connor interrupted me to tell me I had the wrong bill. SB58 is what I was refering to, and that it was still in the DNR. I was in my car, with only handwritten notes, and I've been away from the web for a couple of months, so I said "Okay, but I'll look it up later." I did look it up later and called him back to tell him he was mistaken about the bill. I explained what the two bills do and he thanked me for setting him straight. I asked him if Gov Snyder was opposed and he told me that it was the State Police that did not want this and Snyder would veto it if it came to him. I thanked him and he thanked me again before hanging up.
3rd call: Governor Snyder: I spoke with a receptionist who transferred me to Onna (sp?). Onna told me that the Governor supported the streamlining of the CPL process, but that he had some issues with the wording used in the bill. I told her that the streamlining was only part of the bill and the exemption from PFZ's was the other part. I told her I have read the bill, in its entirety, twice (completly true) and could she please tell me which parts or words he was having trouble with. Her attitude changed from dismissive to placating as she told me that information had not yet been released, but that the major players in the Senate would know. I ended the call by telling her that I supported the exemption of the PFZ's and she said she would relay this information to the Governor.
Carry on!