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Offline thamesmeister

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2016: Obama's America
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:13:36 PM »
This is an appropriate movie for showing in your home to as many people as you can on October 31 or sooner.  It is available from Amazon Instant Video and Vudu for those of you that have these services on your DVD players. 

It's more scary that any horror movie that you care to watch and my actually convince some people that the devil himself was elected in 2008.

It was at a few theaters that were brave enough to show it but it is now available on the above referenced sites.  It's also available for purchase at: for 4.95 plus shipping.

Please watch this movie.....

Offline duff1

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 08:47:56 PM »
This isn't a movie ! Its garbage.

Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 09:53:10 PM »
This isn't a movie. It's a documentary.


Offline duff1

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 11:07:43 PM »
It's still garbage.

Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2012, 11:14:14 PM »
It's not truthful?  You've watched it?

Offline duff1

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2012, 05:55:34 AM »
No I have not watched it and I wont watch it. And it is not truthfull.

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2012, 06:56:14 AM »
No I have not watched it and I wont watch it. And it is not truthfull.

You refuse to watch it, yet you say it is not truthful.  Even I watched Michael Moore's works and could debate them point by point.  Roger and Me, Bowling For Columbine.  I can post a page full of things I publicly wrote about Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2004, pointing out every lie he told, describing the tenor and approach of the movie (which changed midway through).

So you tell me some of the lies that are in "2016: Obama's America."
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 03:28:08 PM by gryphon »

Offline wardog6t

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2012, 12:23:36 PM »
I watched it. Nothing I didn't expect..
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Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2012, 01:08:18 PM »
Here's a good question: do you honestly believe Romney will save our country?
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Offline wardog6t

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2012, 01:14:48 PM »
From my point of you. There is no one person that is going to fix anything in this country. There is really no difference between Democrat and Republican. There all politicians with there own agenda's. There are only two things that can "Fix" the country. The Constitution as written by the founding fathers and We the people.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2012, 03:29:38 PM »
Here's a good question: do you honestly believe Romney will save our country?
I think he is the lesser of the two evils, so to speak, and anyone who votes for Obama is insane. 
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 05:08:41 PM by gryphon »

Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2012, 04:39:47 PM »
I think he is the lesser of the two evils, so to speak, and anyone who votes from Obama is insane.

Never said anyone should vote for Obama. Then again, I never said anyone should vote for Romney.

As far as the lesser of two evils, well, it's your vote. Just know you're voting for evil.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2012, 05:08:02 PM »
As far as the lesser of two evils, well, it's your vote. Just know you're voting for evil.
Ya gotta play the cards you are dealt.  :(

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2012, 05:11:24 PM »
Ya gotta play the cards you are dealt.  :(

I already voted. I feel I voted for no evil.
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Offline duff1

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2012, 07:32:19 PM »
I already voted and I must be insane.

Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2012, 07:39:29 PM »
I don't think Romney has the power or clout to improve 2A rights, even if he wanted and there was 100% Republicans in congress.

The fact of the matter is, the more comfortable the party in power is with their majority, the less they have to and feel inclined to do things that favor their base. You needn't look further than Michigan to see this. The Republicans have complete, unrefutable  control over State Government. Now ask what has happened with:

2A rights?
Right to Work
Right to Life

ALL the above ate traditional "Republican" causes...yet they have gone no where. Why? Because the Republicans are too cozy with their power. If the Republicans had a slimmer majority in the house and/or senate, we'd see more action on Pro-2A legislation.

Just like I don't believe Obama has the power or clout to make 2A worse.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2012, 07:53:16 PM »
Here you go, Phil.  :)

Offline Ezerharden

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2012, 11:11:44 PM »
I already voted. I feel I voted for no evil.

No you voted for a guy that might, MIGHT, get 10% of the vote. Not enough to do anything but make votes for Obama count more.
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Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2012, 12:43:38 AM »
No you voted for a guy that might, MIGHT, get 10% of the vote. Not enough to do anything but make votes for Obama count more.

I didn't say who I voted for...or if I voted for president at all (I may have under voted). I will say this: If I voted for President, I voted my conscious and I'll be able to live with the result.
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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2012, 01:05:28 AM »
Here you go, Phil.  :)

Here's part of the problem with the idea that if we get Romney elected: An incumbent (Romney) will be impossible to Primary in 4 years.  If you want a different choice in 4 years other than Romney and (Insert some Democrat) then you cannot have Romney as an incumbent.

His argument goes like this: If everyone who is voting for (Not Obama&&Not Romney) votes for Romney, then Romney will win.  I pose a counter to that argument: If everyone who votes for Romney votes for someone else with more conservative values, then that other person will win.

I refuse to believe I have two choices.  If you think you MUST choose from two people, then you have been brainwashed by the national duopoly who tries so desperately to hold on to their power that they won't even allow other viewpoints to come into their debate.

Vote how you want, I already have and no amount of guilting from any party will make me sorry for how I voted (or didn't vote).  I'll tell you this much, I didn't vote for Romney or Obama.  I'll also make this deal to whoever quotes this first: if Romney loses Michigan by 2 votes or less (my wife's and I's -- I influence my wife's vote heavily), I will personally pay you $100.

A vote for Romney is a vote that tells the Republican Party: "it's okay if you put up a fake conservative for nomination, we'll vote for him anyways."  Once you tell them that, you lose all hope of bringing the country back to a small government system.  I didn't vote for a Republican for president because this time the party didn't earn my vote.

To all of you who will dog me because of my vote, I ask this: How many hours did you spend making phone calls at your local victory center for the Republican Party?  How many doors did you knock for the Republican Party?  Are you a precinct delegate for the Republican Party?  If no, why the hell not?  I am.  Are you a member of your county's Republican Executive Committee?  If no, why the hell not?  I am.  How many Republican State conventions have you attended this year?  I've been to two. How much of your own money have you sent to a Republican candidate this year?  I've sent well over $500 between 3 candidates (Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivello to name two of them).

I'll tell your my answers: More than a dozen and more than 200.  If you would get off your bottom and do likewise rather than crab at me for how I voted....your guy might stand a better chance of winning.

I believe in the Republican party, I just don't believe in Romney.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 01:21:08 AM by TheQ »
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Offline Ezerharden

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2012, 03:18:46 AM »
Better than voting for a proven failure by direct vote, or a vote of "conscience"  (translation, some guy who doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell, or just not vote at all because neither candidate is my "perfect" candidate). You yourself have spoken of sometimes having to make small compromises while trying to get laws passed to gain some advantage, well the same goes for elections (and most things in life). Is old Mitt perfect? hell no, but Obama is a proven failure in office, and nobody else really stands a chance. So as I see it, those are the choices, a failure, a nobody, or the best option available. You vote as you want, but please don't tout about your involvement with the Republican party, when you openly throw their candidate under the bus, it smacks of hypocrisy.

Oh and on topic, I did watch the movie and would like to sue the producers for my time back. I am no supporter of Obama, in case you missed that, but please. That movie was worse than a Michael Moore production.
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Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2012, 03:24:49 AM »
Better than voting for a proven failure by direct vote, or a vote of "conscience"  (translation, some guy who doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell, or just not vote at all because neither candidate is my "perfect" candidate). You yourself have spoken of sometimes having to make small compromises while trying to get laws passed to gain some advantage, well the same goes for elections (and most things in life). Is old Mitt perfect? hell no, but Obama is a proven failure in office, and nobody else really stands a chance. So as I see it, those are the choices, a failure, a nobody, or the best option available. You vote as you want, but please don't tout about your involvement with the Republican party, when you openly throw their candidate under the bus, it smacks of hypocrisy.

Oh and on topic, I did watch the movie and would like to sue the producers for my time back. I am no supporter of Obama, in case you missed that, but please. That movie was worse than a Michael Moore production.

So you mean to tell me your one vote for Mitt means more than the 1,000 contacts I made for him...?


Your vote but lack of willingness to do more shows how shallow your "support" is.

I can be a good Republican without supporting Mitt. I know many other people that are. Collectively "we" are the party, not Mitt. Mitt is no more the Republican Party than I am "Michigan Open Carry, Inc."
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Offline Ezerharden

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2012, 11:59:16 AM »
So you are saying you have supported Mitt in all ways save for the fact you voted for someone else, or didn't vote at all for President. Interesting, I believe Caesar had a supporter like that once.

As to me not doing more well there are a few factors. One, not knowing where to start. Two, I have health issues that make it hard to get around my own house at times and do simple things like the dishes. Of course that is the same as my support here, I do what I can when I can. I try t get more involved but some things are just not possible for me at this time.  But the point is moot as you have already cast your vote.
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Offline TheQ

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2012, 02:14:31 PM »
So you are saying you have supported Mitt in all ways save for the fact you voted for someone else, or didn't vote at all for President. Interesting, I believe Caesar had a supporter like that once.

As to me not doing more well there are a few factors. One, not knowing where to start. Two, I have health issues that make it hard to get around my own house at times and do simple things like the dishes. Of course that is the same as my support here, I do what I can when I can. I try t get more involved but some things are just not possible for me at this time.  But the point is moot as you have already cast your vote.

2. Making phone calls involves sitting in a chair.

3. I'm supporting the Republican Party. Romney can go attempt reproduction with himself as far as I care.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 02:30:21 PM by TheQ »
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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2012, 04:11:42 PM »
Romney flip flop...can you ever trusts what he says?

Yep, it was paid for by the Democrats. Does that make it less true? Can anyone refute Mitt said those things?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 04:18:12 PM by TheQ »
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Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2012, 05:18:03 PM »
A vote for Romney is a vote that tells the Republican Party: "it's okay if you put up a fake conservative for nomination, we'll vote for him anyways."  Once you tell them that, you lose all hope of bringing the country back to a small government system.
I understand this position, I really do.  But I think the time to select someone other than Romney is the primary.  Once the die is cast, we have to live with the choice.  And maybe if it were another Democrat candidate I'd say we could live with the outcome to teach the Republicans a lesson.  But Obama is such a monumentally bad choice for America that I can't do that.

I respect your position, though, and I'm really not trying to guilt you into changing it or feeling (too) bad. :)

I stopped giving the Republicans money about 1997 or 98.

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2012, 05:42:18 PM »
I understand this position, I really do.  But I think the time to select someone other than Romney is the primary.  Once the die is cast, we have to live with the choice.  And maybe if it were another Democrat candidate I'd say we could live with the outcome to teach the Republicans a lesson.  But Obama is such a monumentally bad choice for America that I can't do that.

I respect your position, though, and I'm really not trying to guilt you into changing it or feeling (too) bad. :)

I stopped giving the Republicans money about 1997 or 98.

That's what I keep trying to say.  If Romney is elected, there will be NO MEANINGFUL REPUBLICAN PRIMARY IN 2016!!!  It'll just be, "re-crown Romney".
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 08:22:52 PM by TheQ »
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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2012, 07:06:45 PM »
Well "re-crowning" Obama now is an even worse idea. As I pointed out before, last debate he stated he wanted another AWB. Now maybe Romney is lying when he says he doesn't, but we know for a fact we will get one of Obama is re-elected. If he can't get it through the Congress and Senate, he will bypass them as he has done before with Executive Orders. The only reason he hasn't done anything yet is because he wants re-election. Once he is term limited, I am very afraid of what he will do.
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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2012, 07:29:44 PM »
Well "re-crowning" Obama now is an even worse idea. As I pointed out before, last debate he stated he wanted another AWB. Now maybe Romney is lying when he says he doesn't, but we know for a fact we will get one of Obama is re-elected. If he can't get it through the Congress and Senate, he will bypass them as he has done before with Executive Orders. The only reason he hasn't done anything yet is because he wants re-election. Once he is term limited, I am very afraid of what he will do.

I think there is a lot of fear mongering going on. I don't think you can get an AWB done with an executive order.

Here's another reason to oppose Romney:

Romney and Obama will no doubt do some of the same bad large government things. If Obama does them there are three benefits:

1. The Republican name won't be sullied in the process.
2. It'll energies the base of the party to bring back conservatism and small government as a platform, election, and government matter in 2016.
3. The Republicans in congress will oppose Obummer doing these things, whereas they'd carry the water for President Romney.
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Offline wardog6t

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2012, 07:40:18 PM »
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 07:55:36 PM by wardog6t »
"Any day you don't hear a "POP" and "WHIZ" is a Wonderful day....."

Offline Rustykeys

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2012, 11:45:15 PM »
After the choices we had for President in 2008, I totally denounced the Republican party. My conservative views no longer match that of the Republican party. I have come to realize after all these years that I actually have libertarian views.
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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2012, 12:05:42 AM »
After the choices we had for President in 2008, I totally denounced the Republican party. My conservative views no longer match that of the Republican party. I have come to realize after all these years that I actually have libertarian views.

Me too. That is where the old roots in the Republican party are. I've decided to work within the party to try to restore those roots. I am a Republican, but that doesn't mean I follow the party bliny.
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Offline WilDChilD

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2012, 10:16:34 AM »
I already voted and I must be insane.
Not insane but I bet where you work is a Union? Got to listen to the Union so those bad employers dont take advantage of you.

Offline gryphon

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2012, 10:22:49 AM »
I think there is a lot of fear mongering going on.

Hey, presidents come and go, but the judges they appoint live on. 

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2012, 10:40:46 AM »
Hey, presidents come and go, but the judges they appoint live on.

Justice Roberts has made that much apparent.
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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2012, 11:04:42 AM »
By and large Roberts has been very good.  I disagree with his reasoning on Obamacare where he basically said, "If you don't want bad laws like this, stop electing those types of politicians."
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 11:10:25 AM by gryphon »

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2012, 11:32:45 AM »
By and large Roberts has been very good.  I disagree with his reasoning on Obamacare where he basically said, "If you don't want bad laws like this, stop electing those types of politicians."

I concur
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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2012, 02:37:12 AM »
I think there is a lot of fear mongering going on.

You need a history refresher, my friend.  Not only does Obama want another AWB, he has promised the Brady Bunch he is working on gun control.  Here's a few other things he's done.

Ban on historic rifle imports

Proposed ban on target practice on federal lands

Supports UN Small Arms Treaty

New rules on the sale of "high power" rifles

Picks guy who wants to ban guns for ATF top spot

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Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2012, 02:24:13 PM »
Q that romney video was GARBAGE...   I hope you didn't really think that was going to make any points.   What a hack job that thing was.   Sheesh.

Otherwise, I agree with your sentiment of not voting for evil... I wish that more people would swing that way...    unfortunately, I don't think they will and I"m not willing to let Obummer have another 4 years.

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2012, 12:17:48 PM »
When Ralph Nader "cost" Al Gore the election in 2000, Ralph was later interviewed.

He was asked: Do you regret what you've done and how it cost Al Gore the election (indeed, if Gore had Nader's vote in Florida, he would have won a big margin).

Nader answered: No, maybe now the Democrat party will pay more attention to its progressive wing.

Oh, and the Democrats have done just that. You ask why I didn't vote for Romney? Maybe the Republican Party will start paying more attention to it's small government/libertarian wing!
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Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2012, 10:30:55 PM »
When Ralph Nader "cost" Al Gore the election in 2000, Ralph was later interviewed.

He was asked: Do you regret what you've done and how it cost Al Gore the election (indeed, if Gore had Nader's vote in Florida, he would have won a big margin).

Nader answered: No, maybe now the Democrat party will pay more attention to its progressive wing.

Oh, and the Democrats have done just that. You ask why I didn't vote for Romney? Maybe the Republican Party will start paying more attention to it's small government/libertarian wing!
There wasn't even a libertarian candidate on my ballot.
Now that the entire group of useless had been reelected, what actually did anybody learn?

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2016: Obama's America
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2012, 11:03:05 PM »
There wasn't even a libertarian candidate on my ballot.
Now that the entire group of useless had been reelected, what actually did anybody learn?

It's estimated 16 million deep conservatives didn't bother to show up to vote. Gary Johnson was on the ballot in 48 states. The Constitution party was on the ballot in many other states as well.

Those votes can be added together and the Republican Party can see what they're missing.
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Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2012, 12:39:45 AM »
It's estimated 16 million deep conservatives didn't bother to show up to vote. Gary Johnson was on the ballot in 48 states. The Constitution party was on the ballot in many other states as well.

Those votes can be added together and the Republican Party can see what they're missing.
So saying "screw it" is supposed to be a solution?
I voted for Ron Paul in 08 and again this year, but since only about a dozen other people did the same should I just take my ball and go home?
Has the country really sunk that far?

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Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2012, 12:49:30 AM »
So saying "screw it" is supposed to be a solution?
I voted for Ron Paul in 08 and again this year, but since only about a dozen other people did the same should I just take my ball and go home?
Has the country really sunk that far?

I'm a precinct delegate for the Republican Party, are you?
I'm a member of my County's Republican Executive Committee, are you?

If you want to get involved and you believe as Ron Paul does, contact Tony DeMott at Campaign for Liberty.  Ask him to put you in contact with your local coordinator for your county (tell him what County you live in).  Then tell your county coordinator you want to get involved locally.

Tell him Phillip Hofmeister sent you.  I'll PM you his email address.
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #44 on: November 11, 2012, 12:55:28 AM »
There wasn't even a libertarian candidate on my ballot.
Now that the entire group of useless had been reelected, what actually did anybody learn?
That nominating a pandering lying East coast liberal pisses off some people.
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Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2012, 01:30:28 AM »
That nominating a pandering lying East coast liberal pisses off some people.
Well said.
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline Super Trucker

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Re: Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2012, 09:19:28 AM »
That nominating a pandering lying East coast liberal pisses off some people.
I have been out of state since before the election, so I can only find the results of the bigger things that were voted on. Every POS (stabmenow, conyers, etc) that has contributed to the state being as Shitty as it is was reelected by a big margin.
I agree that romney (or any candidate of the other offices voted on) is not the answer, but do you honestly believe they are worse?
From what I can see setting here in va it appears the saying cutting off your nose to spite your face would apply to this situation.
If your ice fishing boat were sinking would you add extra weights (as voters did) or make an attempt to cup your hands and scoop out a little of the flooding?

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Re: Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2012, 09:37:54 AM »

I'm a precinct delegate for the Republican Party, are you?
I'm a member of my County's Republican Executive Committee, are you?

If you want to get involved and you believe as Ron Paul does, contact Tony DeMott at Campaign for Liberty.  Ask him to put you in contact with your local coordinator for your county (tell him what County you live in).  Then tell your county coordinator you want to get involved locally.

Tell him Phillip Hofmeister sent you.  I'll PM you his email address.

If I were in state I would love to help him get elected.
I drove 121k miles in the last year, I have multiple trucks to baby sit, when would you like me too do anything you mentioned?

I believe you missed my point though. You said 16 million people didn't bother to even mail in a absentee ballot, that to me is saying "i am taking my ball and going home"
I think it is great you are available to spend your time trying to change stuff, but at the same time not voting out a guaranteed problem because the other guy "might" not be good to me is contributing to the continuation of a sinking ship.
Point being, the primary showed people don't care so your attempt to "school" the party I highly doubt will matter.
I mean look at the last few elections the people they choose are getting worse, maybe they are trying to teach you a lesson?

One trucking company owner I spoke with last week said he has initiated a "idiot surcharge" to all states that voted democrat. Things are going to get ugly.

Offline Ezerharden

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Re: Re: Re: 2016: Obama's America
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2012, 10:07:49 PM »
If I were in state I would love to help him get elected.
I drove 121k miles in the last year, I have multiple trucks to baby sit, when would you like me too do anything you mentioned?

I believe you missed my point though. You said 16 million people didn't bother to even mail in a absentee ballot, that to me is saying "i am taking my ball and going home"
I think it is great you are available to spend your time trying to change stuff, but at the same time not voting out a guaranteed problem because the other guy "might" not be good to me is contributing to the continuation of a sinking ship.
Point being, the primary showed people don't care so your attempt to "school" the party I highly doubt will matter.
I mean look at the last few elections the people they choose are getting worse, maybe they are trying to teach you a lesson?

One trucking company owner I spoke with last week said he has initiated a "idiot surcharge" to all states that voted democrat. Things are going to get ugly.

You are arguing with an echo, you can't win.
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I carry a gun because a Police Officer is too heavy.