Ok, so let me give you a rundown...
My wife and I commute to work / school together. What happens, is I get dropped off at work by her, then she takes the car the rest of the way to her school.
Typically - there is no need for transporting on my work commute, but I've heard a couple disturbing stories of gunmen are trying to hit cars on the highway.
So - my question.
With, or without a CPL, am I able to put my weapon in the trunk of the car (separate from mags of course), and leave it there. I don't need to take my weapon in to work, as I enjoy being "unaware" during work
So, the weapon is transported by my wife to her school, and of course - it would be untouched.
From what I understand, you are able to transport the weapon for a lawful purpose, as long as you are the owner of the weapon. As my wife is not the owner of the weapon, this wouldn't be legal. But what if I have a CPL? does that change?
your insight is much appreciated!