Author Topic: Not all Pontiac Police Officers know of open carry is legal in michigan  (Read 10334 times)

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Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
On Thursday May 13, 2010 some guy came buy my house have only seen him a couple times came to my home and asked if i had anything on firearms law. As he was backing out of my driveway hit my truck. My wife was on phone with 911 he then walked into my house going after my wife telling her not to call the police he had no insurance I asked him to leave 4 times then i loaded my handgun and he ran 6'3 360. Pontiac Police arrived Automaticly asked me to put my handgun up as i was going to do so he said never mind come here i complied. This officer doesnt like me we ran for school board against each other. Told me i was illegally carrying a firearm and to cover it up i said ofiicer dorkins no. He said i could be charged with a few felony's and i need a open carry permit and i said you dont need one Michigan is a open carry state he said i was wrong and i can be arrested.My wife told him he wasnt there for my firearm he was there for something else pretty much told him how to do his job. I go on monday to file a complaint the desk Sgt. said i made him nervous no firearm just empty holster. He said i need to read the law because i was wrong and i cant open carry refused to let me file a complaint. By the way i was in my own yard. City attorney and chief are aware of open carry is legal we had conversations on it before. I want to know if i should take it to city council on thursday. If i can open carry and if anybody in the area would go with me.Officer Dorkins said i was being recorded.thank you ( Sorry for this being to long) first post

Offline 1245A defender

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ask the cops where you can get the "open carry permit" that dorkins says you need.
all power is inherent in the is their right and duty to be at all times ARMED.  Thomas Jefferson

Offline Savage.Detroit

  • Posts: 39
Officer Dorkin is a dork (sorry couldn't resist).

What time is the Council meeting?
I think maybe a letter to the city attorney or the Chief of Police is in order too.
Adapted from Hillary: I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're in a hate group or a domestic terrorist. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
6:30 is when there suppose 2 have the meeting ive talked to city attorney before there aware of the open carry but calling him monday.

Offline NHCGRPR45

  • Posts: 130
  • Macomb Twp. MI
i'll go to the city council with you, but i would need a ride, stay safe!
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such goverment, and to provide new gaurds for their future security. United States Constitution.

Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
Just to update ev1 the chiefs office wont set up meeting with me sent me over to a Capt.Miller which wouldnt file a complaint before.The city sent me back over to the Pontiac Police Department. The secretary for the Emergency Financial manager Fred Leeb and the mayors office said dealing with the police dept you need a lawyer. I guess going to the city council meeting is the only option.

Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
I went to a school board meeting not carrying. The officer from Thursday which is a board member was off duty. He started with me again. I didn't argue with him. He told me open carry is for non cpl holders and i have to conceal it, I can`t open carry. He says that came from the state. He proceeded to tell me if he was to stop me for my open carry of a firearm he can and will tell me to cover it up and i have to. This cop has been a real pain in the a--. He also stated I have to give him my id,cpl,name,address etc if not i can be charged with & will be charged  with obstructing justice and resisting arrest. If i refuse to give id i could and would be slammed to the ground and arrested. He said i can talk to city council but they wont do anything. He Keeps harassing me about open carry. Saying i don't have a right to open carry because I'm a cpl holder. If he tells me while in LEO duty to conceal it i have to. Even thou it would give him the right to shoot me as we all know because it would look as thou i was going for the firearm but he refrained from stating as much. He also stated if i was arrested  i could probably  beat it in court but i couldn't sue him or the police dept. I kept silent. I m at a lost on what to do now. He went on to state it would not be worth it to press the issue because i`m breaking the law. He also stated after leaving my house Thursday he researched it with the state police in Lansing that i was miss informed of the law. Also went on to further state that Lansing is working on legislation to better clarify open carry.

Offline autosurgeon

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I went to a school board meeting not carrying. The officer from Thursday which is a board member was off duty. He started with me again. I didn't argue with him. He told me open carry is for non cpl holders and i have to conceal it, I can`t open carry. He says that came from the state. He proceeded to tell me if he was to stop me for my open carry of a firearm he can and will tell me to cover it up and i have to. This cop has been a real pain in the a--. He also stated I have to give him my id,cpl,name,address etc if not i can be charged with & will be charged  with obstructing justice and resisting arrest. If i refuse to give id i could and would be slammed to the ground and arrested. He said i can talk to city council but they wont do anything. He Keeps harassing me about open carry. Saying i don't have a right to open carry because I'm a cpl holder. If he tells me while in LEO duty to conceal it i have to. Even thou it would give him the right to shoot me as we all know because it would look as thou i was going for the firearm but he refrained from stating as much. He also stated if i was arrested  i could probably  beat it in court but i couldn't sue him or the police dept. I kept silent. I m at a lost on what to do now. He went on to state it would not be worth it to press the issue because i`m breaking the law. He also stated after leaving my house Thursday he researched it with the state police in Lansing that i was miss informed of the law. Also went on to further state that Lansing is working on legislation to better clarify open carry.

This dude needs to go take a crap and flush it down as he is completely full of it!
Anything I post may be my opinion and not the law... you are responsible to do your own verification.

Blackstone (1753-1765) maintains that "the law holds that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."


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"There is none so blind as he who will not see."  Unknown

#1:  Recommend you look over the MOC website <>, in particular this link <>, for legal references and this link <> for general information to share.

#2:  I grabbed this off the Pontiac Police Department's website <>.

How do I make a citizen complaint against an officer?
You start by speaking with a supervisor at the front desk of the Police Department. With the assistance of the front desk supervisor, you will figure out which officer you had a problem with, what shift he or she is working, and who their supervisor is. The immediate supervisor of the officer will attempt to resolve the conflict to your satisfaction according to departmental policy. If it cannot be resolved at that level, the supervisor will fill out a citizen complaint package and schedule an appointment with our Internal Affairs Division (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) at a time that is most convenient for you. You will be requested to fill out a complaint form. If you are unable to do so, the supervisor will complete one for you and forward it to the Internal Affairs Division, who will meet with you at your appointment and proceed from there.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 09:20:22 PM by anetsprungen »

Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
I did that and the sgt refused to file a complaint so i called a friend who is a CPT he said another individual by the name of Rob Miller would be calling me.NO response yet.

Offline fozzy71

  • Posts: 184
This dude needs to go take a crap and flush it down as he is completely full of it!


Did you have a voice recorder when he was spewing this nonsense?  If not, I suggest you get a couple and make sure they are running anytime he may be nearby.   ;)

Offline army74

  • Posts: 66
well my wife and i just figured  i have a voice recorder on my blackberry phone there is a recording i have to get it from city attorneys office from thursday