On behalf of myself as MOC IT Director...
My apologies to Pat who has recently been banned on MOC Forums and now again with full access back here. Upon further review of all the information presented in front of myself, Pat made no violations that meant for a ban against him. As far as Virus/Trojan information goes, that was in no part something that he, himself tried to do. It was/is a vendor/server side problem with the hosting provider/url redirector.
As IT Director, I will be working out a "ban hammer" written process that will be followed in the future that will hopefully clear up any problems before a full force public response is posted against an individual by any members on the forums or MOC. As far as I am concerned, this function should be used only as a complete last resort and should not have been even used in this case either.
My apologies Pat! Hopefully we can get better at this! :-)
Thank you,
Shaun Crawford
MOC IT Director