Author Topic: SB 59 Veto Thread  (Read 11994 times)

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Offline WilDChilD

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2012, 01:39:14 PM »
I disagree with this.  That is what the unions threatened to do to him, stalk him and his daughter at her school and soccer games, church, etc.  Although I understand your frustration, we do not want to be like this.  That is not who we are.
I didnt say stalk, I said enjoy a school play, and support local schools, as a group like we always like to do.

Offline bagz013

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2012, 03:03:45 PM »
I didnt say stalk, I said enjoy a school play, and support local schools, as a group like we always like to do.

I gotta go with gyphon on this one.

I am just as upset as the next guy. I attended the rally's. I emailed my REP's/SEN on a weekly(towards the end daily) baisis, I called/emailed GOV office, and I talked to as many people about why this is important as I had time to do.

However, we have been above the board and respectful up until this point. We have held our heads high and went about our business with class and respect. Our "opponents" might not be able to say the same thing, but I can go to sleep at night knowing I never once compromised my morals or ethics in order to get what I want.

I think we should wait and see what happens with the next year and see if we can rally another "attack" on these issues. Just my two cents.

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Offline Raggs

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2012, 03:07:42 PM »
Anyone know if people against the Bill got the same email? Are we sure that the nerd is only going to be in for one term, what if he runs against a total ant-gun nut like the Mayor of NYC Bloomberg? If we want him out we better make sure his opponent isn't worse than he is.

Offline venator

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2012, 04:31:27 PM »
Vote on this poll on whether the Gov was right to veto bill. Far middle left of page.
Family book on OPEN CARRY go to:
Looking forward to having more smites than posts.  Thanks all.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2012, 05:18:11 PM »
Voting must be closed because it doesn't give me an opportunity to vote, just see the final results.

Offline METL

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2012, 11:05:18 AM »
They've replaced it with a new poll....

Is there room for compromise with your Second Amendment rights?

 Yes, I could compromise
 No way!

Read more:

Offline wardog6t

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Email Recieved From Governer Snyder
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2012, 08:04:06 PM »
Dear John:

Thank you for your recent correspondence sent to my office.

Senate Bill 59 offered a number of wise and necessary reforms to Michigan's weapon laws.  The bill provided for an enhanced Concealed Pistol License that would require additional training.  It would streamline the Concealed Pistol License process by eliminating county gun boards and vesting issuing authority with the sheriff.

More important, SB 59 looked at a feature of Michigan law that needs fixing - Michigan's open carry law.  The law currently prohibits a concealed pistol license holder from carrying a concealed weapon in a "pistol-free zone," which includes a school, a day care center, a sport stadium, a bar, a church, a hospital, an entertainment facility, and a college classroom or dormitory.  Ironically, current law does not prevent a concealed pistol license holder from openly carrying a pistol at these places.

My original hope with Senate Bill 59 was to reach a compromise by prohibiting the open carry of pistols in the above-mentioned pistol-free zones in exchange for lifting the prohibition on the carrying of concealed weapons in these zones -- subject to the approval of the public or private property owners.

The resulting bill only went part way in achieving that goal.  The bill would allow private property owners to prohibit a person from carrying a concealed pistol on their private property.  It permits certain universities and colleges to adopt an ordinance prohibiting the carrying of a concealed pistol.  Unfortunately, the bill did not allow public schools, day care centers, or public hospitals to prohibit persons from carrying concealed weapons on their premises.  For that reason, I have vetoed Senate Bill 59.

I believe it is important that these public institutions have clear legal authority to ban weapons from their premises: Each is entrusted with the care of a vulnerable population and should have the authority to determine whether its mission would be enhanced by the addition of concealed weapons.

This conversation is likely to continue over the coming months.  I hope you'll continue to share your comments and concerns with my office.


Rick Snyder
"Any day you don't hear a "POP" and "WHIZ" is a Wonderful day....."

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Re: Email Recieved From Governer Snyder
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2012, 08:12:31 PM »
Dear John:

Did you get a lot of letters in high school that started out this way?

I'm sure they left you just as disappointed... ;)
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline wardog6t

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2012, 10:12:06 AM »
I responded to the Governors letter last night. Specifically to his issue's with OC. I also made it known my disappointment to his staff mass emailing one letter and his inadequate response to Michigan residents. His personal opinion of OC and firearms in general is not whats best for the people of Michigan. PFZ's now known though out the country, as soft targets are a huge issue. For years now both the federal and state government's have known future terrorist activities would be of a domestic nature. yet neither has done anything to provide more security at these location nor allow law abiding citizens to defend themselves in these area's.

I hold both federal and state governments responsible for the various mass shootings since columbine. There refusal to act is a crime. Those 20 beautiful children whose lives were taken, were taken do to the governments failure to recognize domestic terrorism. Both mental health and school security should be the focus of the issue's that created this tragedy, by no means should several Stolen firearms be the target of there short comings. Firearms bans are just the easiest choice. Now instead of taking responsibility for there failures again they pass buck on to the American people. Demanding Firearms bans off all types. Which if enacted will do two things. One: prevent law abiding citizen to match the firepower of criminals and defend themselves. Two: Cost more jobs in America as we hear more and more about manufacturing well firearms manufacturing has been producing jobs.

During the 90's a Los Angelas Bank robbery heist killed or wounded several officers, after which LEA's throughout the country were issued AR-15's. Post 9-11 Pilots were issued handguns in lock boxes on planes.  18 of 19 mass shootings of late have occurred at soft target locations or as we Michiganders consider PFZ's. Criminals prey on these area's. Yet both our federal and state governments continue to allow us to be killed. 18 of 19 soft zone massacres? How many more lives will be lost before the governments learning disability is resolved. When will the American people demand they be allowed to defend themselves in these area's. Local and State LEA's though out the country are cutting cost's and Jobs. Yet the American people are required to be defenseless. As the various governments again turn a blind eye to Domestic terrorism and soft targets. We are once again forced in to a corner. Massive guns sales, skyrocketed firearms and  firearms related items prices with markups of up to 300%.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 01:19:02 PM by wardog6t »
"Any day you don't hear a "POP" and "WHIZ" is a Wonderful day....."

Offline wardog6t

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2012, 01:25:14 PM »
From my understanding Sb-59 was a failure from the begining having issue from the start. The people and our government want to stop the violance.

My propsoal:

Submit a new bill focusing on not just guns and PFZ zones but more of criminals.

Raise the mandatory sentance for the theft of any firearm to 10 years.

Mandatory 20 years sentance for commiting a crime with a stolen firearm.

Concurrent theft and use of stolen firearm while committing a crime. Life without parole.

Remove all PFZ zones from the current CPL status while adding 8 hours of additional CPL training to the current requirement.

"Any day you don't hear a "POP" and "WHIZ" is a Wonderful day....."

Offline ken243

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2012, 04:43:51 PM »
....Demanding Firearms bans off all types. Which if enacted will do two things. One: prevent law abiding citizen to match the firepower of criminals and defend themselves. Two: Cost more jobs in America as we hear more and more about manufacturing well firearms manufacturing has been producing jobs. Three: Cause people to defend themselves against actions that violate the Constitution.

During the 90's a Los Angelas Bank robbery heist killed or wounded several officers, after which LEA's throughout the country were issued AR-15's. Also worth mentioning that officers on scene went to a local gun store to acquire AR-15 type rifles to fight back against the robbers.

My statements in red.

From my understanding Sb-59 was a failure from the begining having issue from the start. The people and our government want to stop the violance.

My propsoal:

Submit a new bill focusing on not just guns and PFZ zones but more of criminals.

Raise the mandatory sentance for the theft of any firearm to 10 years.

Mandatory 20 years sentance for commiting a crime with a stolen firearm.

Concurrent theft and use of stolen firearm while committing a crime. Life without parole.

Remove all PFZ zones from the current CPL status while adding 8 hours of additional CPL training to the current requirement.

+1 but enact capital punishment too! If your sentenced number of years puts you past the age of 100, death penalty. No need wasting tax dollars keeping you alive to rot. And no more 30 years on death row. 30 days and you are done. Plus, lethal injection, gas, etc.... too expensive. Bullets are cheaper and I am sure there are thousands that would line up and bring their own ammo to take care of a child murderer.
Common sense, isn't.
I can't fix stupid.

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Re: SB 59 Veto Thread
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2012, 07:22:15 PM »
Rope is pretty cheap too....

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