Author Topic: Fred Upton's reply to my efforts  (Read 3506 times)

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Fred Upton's reply to my efforts
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:02:27 PM »
Other than using the word "rouge" where I believe they meant "rogue", this letter addresses most points in favor of the Second Amendment. However, it is also vague enough that we need to keep a eye on him.

Dear Lawrence:

Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation. In the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, several pieces of gun control legislation have been proposed and will be debated in the Congress in the coming months as we work to ensure our children remain safe and that such a tragedy never happens again. I have a long-standing pro-Second Amendment record and welcome this opportunity to respond.

As you know, a myriad of bills have already been introduced this Congress to restrict access to firearms, including reinstatement of the 1994 assault weapon and high-capacity ammunition magazine ban. The President is also considering a number of measures beyond a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, including universal background checks, a national gun database, strengthening mental-health checks, and tougher penalties for people carrying guns near schools. Vice President Biden's task force recently reported a number of specific proposals to curb gun violence, and I look forward to a robust and open debate on the issue that will protect Second Amendment rights for all law-abiding, mentally stable individuals.

It is clear that preventing future crimes committed by rouge individuals is not as simple as banning certain types of firearms or magazines. According to the National Institute of Justice, there are over 300 million non-military firearms currently present in the United States. Because of the large number of guns already in circulation, a ban on certain weapons or magazines alone is not likely to reduce gun violence in a meaningful way, and denying the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens won't change the behavior of  those intent on using firearms for criminal purposes.

Unfortunately, the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School are only the latest in a line of tragedies perpetrated by rouge individuals who should never have been allowed to possess a firearm in the first place. Horrific tragedies like those in Newtown, Connecticut underscore the need to keep guns out of the hands the mentally ill – a simple ban on certain types of firearms or magazines would not have prevented this tragedy or many others like it that have occurred in recent years. Any solution that seeks to prevent future tragedies must look beyond tighter gun control. The public would be better served by focusing on the underlying issue of mental illness, and keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable in the first place.

There is a consensus that we must take a hard look our nation's mental health system and our nation's culture of violence. The gun control debate should focus on keeping not just assault weapons, but all firearms out of the hands of those who are prohibited from possessing them. The common thread in each and every high profile mass shooting has been that red flags were seen, but no action was taken. We need a national effort to address those with mental health problems who are a danger to themselves and others.

I would note that I oppose any United Nations treaty that would in any way impose restrictions on the Second Amendment. I have also supported a number of bills that seek to require states to recognize each other's concealed carry permits; open more federal lands for sportsmen; prevent the EPA from regulating ammunition, prohibit unconstitutional bans on handguns at the state level, as was upheld by the Supreme Court; make common sense reforms to Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms, and Explosives policies in the firearms arena; and protect veterans Second Amendment rights.

I will continue to stand strong for the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans to own firearms, whether it  be for sport or personal protection. Again, thank you for contacting me and I look forward to your continued input.

Very truly yours,

Fred Upton
Member of Congress
"The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
~ Abraham Lincoln
"Too young to die, too old to take an ass whippin'."
~ Unknown