Author Topic: Barack Obama wants to hear your stories  (Read 2912 times)

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Offline gryphon

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Barack Obama wants to hear your stories
« on: February 21, 2013, 09:04:34 AM »

Here's one I just read.
My junior year in high school I became friends with the boy I sat beside in pre-calculus. The whole class sat in pairs, and he was the person with whom I was paired: my math partner. We worked on assignments and projects together. During the semester we got to know one another well. At 18 years old he already lived on his own and paid all of his own bills, working 3rd shift full-time at a gas station down the road. I was 16 years old, and I will never remember anything so vividly as the morning I learned that my friend, my brilliant math partner, had been led to the back of the has station, made to kneel on the floor, and was shot in the head during a robbery. There was no fight, no struggle, my friend posed no threat to the man who took his life. He was simply there, a high school student, doing his job, and he was murdered senselessly by a man with a criminal record and a gun.
No, Michelle, the gun didn't cause the crime.  The criminals wanted to eliminate the witness to their crime.  If they didn't have a gun, they simply could have murdered your friend with a knife or a lead pipe or any number of other inanimate objects.

Offline gryphon

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Re: Barack Obama wants to hear your stories
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 09:12:14 AM »
They have one heck of a moderator on that site who picks and chooses the posts.

A fellow gun owner posted his story of how he used his carry handgun to actually intervene in an assault and hold the fellow until the police arrived twenty minutes later.  Afterwards the police officer told him that he may have saved the woman's life.  Strange, his story never made it up there.