Author Topic: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans  (Read 3825 times)

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Offline bigt8261

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Here is a sheriff that pretty well demonstrates the absurdity of magazine capacity restrictions. My favorite part of the video was when they used a 101 year old test developed by the military to test the competency of a now 103 year old firearm design that is still popular today.

The test: Start with an unloaded firearm and three magazines each containing 7 rounds (listening New York?). In order to qualify, the solder would have to fire all 21 rounds in under 12 seconds.

Offline METL

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 01:04:09 PM »
To me, this video is shady.   They change their target acquisition sequence, and they also do things like stop 1 short on their mag to keep a bullet in the chamber while doing the mag change, then shoot the extra round on the tail end...   it's also quite apparent that Jim is heavily sandbagging while shooting the higher round mags.   

While I agree with their points, anyone with an half ounce of gun knowledge is going to see that they're fudging this quite a bit.   

I think it discredits their point.  They should have just done it straight up.  The results wouldn't have differed a whole lot and they would have looked more legit.

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 01:15:13 PM »
I noticed a lot of that, but I attributed the speed change to warming up. It also seemed like once they changed their sequence, they stuck to it. I think the girl used the same sequence the entire time.

Offline METL

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 02:39:13 PM »
I don't mean to sound like I disagree with their point...    a mag change takes seconds at most...    doesn't make much of a difference...   and the VTech shooter was able to blast away, changing mags as many as 17 times....     

I still hold firm in my belief that Sandy Hook could have easily been perpetrated with a couple pistols...   or a pistol and a double barrel biden special...     or to be honest, there's a good chance it could have been done with just the double barrel shotgun given the lethality of 12 gauge 00 buck....   once the adults were gone, it would have been shooting fish in a barrel...   :(   

I just fail to see how magazine size can really have ALL That much of an effect, with the exception of the actual high cap mags... which are jam-o-matics and probably have SAVED lives.....

Offline bigt8261

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2013, 03:26:36 PM »
I'm waiting for someone to explain the difference between offensive stress and defensive stress. When you are on offense, it's not a big deal to take a few or even 20 seconds to stop and reload. When you're on defense, every extra millisecond is further risk to your life.

Offline bignaz

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 01:48:33 PM »
Dont see why people bring up the point of leaving a round left in the pistol why reloading. Thats what you do in combat. You mentally keep track of your rounds, What you have and where they are going. You never fire a pistol empty. Pistol gives you nothing more then range in an attack. When your pistols slide is locked back and you are reloading you no longer have that range. But if you shoot and reload why having the last round left in the chamber you maintain that range advantage to were if they do make it to you you still have a last resort shot instead of a empty pistol.

Yes its hard to count rounds in a situation like a attack but you can do it. You need to drill for it and make it a instinct. When i reload i always leave one in the chamber. So just because some people do not shoot their pistol like you should in combat does not mean it is shady. It means you never have been trained to fire a pistol in combat and what is a defensive situation at the end of the day? It is combat.

And sandy hook could of been done with any weapon. Personally i would rather take my chances against a guy with a .223 or 5.56 and some 30 round mags then someone with a rem 870 and some 00 buck with some speed loaders. Yes they have them for shot guns i have a few and its pretty scary how fast i can put out 30 rounds of 00 buck with them and the damage is much more then what you can do with a .223 and a few mags.

When it all comes down to it people will kill people. Its been like this since the beginning of time. Nothing will stop us. Limit mags they will just take 10 10 rounders instead of 2 30 rounders because they mentally think they need way more then they would of the 30 rounders and fail to see that 2 30's give you 60 and 10 10 rounders giver you 100.  Ban weapons they will us knifes, ban knifes they will just run people over with a car, ban cars they will kill someone with a rock. If a person wants to kill someone they are going to try with whatever means they can get or think of.. If someone wants to do a mass shooting they pick a rifle atleast the people have a slim chance of getting away alive. Because if they cant get a rifle chances are they will just make a bomb and go blow up the place and the odds of getting away from that are pretty slim. People have a thing called Free Will. Until we can control that there will always be killings you just can not stop people from it. But if a person is in the right place at the right time that person can stop them in the act. Police come after the fact. After the shots are fired and the people die. The only chance of really saving life from something you can not prevent is if someone is there who has morals, knows right from wrong stops them in the act.

However i am not sold on the whole arming teacher or letting them carry firearms in school. I think this has some issues that need to be discussed as to how the firearm will be stored and other stuff like that.  Im not against it im just not sold on it yet.

Offline bigt8261

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Re: Sheriff Explains The Absurdity Of The Proposed Magazine Bans
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 02:21:48 PM »
The smaller the mag capacity the easier it is to count, thus decreasing the chances of slide lock and narrowing the opportunity for a non-armed response.

Who's side are these gun grabbers on anyway?  :)