Author Topic: OC in Costco  (Read 6946 times)

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Offline Recurveman

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OC in Costco
« on: March 12, 2013, 02:06:23 AM »
I have been open OCing in Grand Rapids for the better part of 3 years. During this time I have frequented the Costco near my home and have been a member for 2 years and have open carried nearly everytime I have gone in. Today however a manger came up to me and asked if I was a LEO. I advised that I wasn't and he asked that I either leave the store or leave my weapon in the car. He also said I could cover it up and what no one knows wont hurt them. I checked the company policy and it does expressly prohibit CCW and OC in all of their stores regardless of local/state laws. The manager was very nice about the whole thing and even let me finish my shopping so I was not going to press the issue and he was following strict company policy. However the timing could not have been any worse. As I walked in a man started asking me about my pistol and OC. He stated that he and his wife possessed a CPL and have heard of OC but as he said had "never seen anyone with the balls to do it" As we walked and I told him that I have never had any issues in the 3 years of OCing he got excited and even expressed interest in doing it as well. Then up walks the manger and the rest of history. Of all the times... Crap.. Oh well, the guy still asked for my name and number in case he had any questions and I also directed him to this site.

Offline gryphon

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2013, 05:56:28 AM »
It is times like these where it would be great to be able to give out MOC Tri-folds and MSP Legal Update #86.  I try to keep some in my computer case which is usually with me.

Offline Recurveman

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 06:35:34 AM »
Normally I would have as my wife carries the lot in her purse up to and including the US constitution, but she had just switched purses and hadent transferred everything over yet. As I said, just all around bad timing.

Offline Donut

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 12:29:46 PM »
I think it is my understanding that Walmart has a policy that they abide by state rules and regulations and if so wouldn't this be a Golden opportunity to send a copy of this information to the headquarters of Costco and other major corporation headquarters so they could update they stores policy's
Please correct me if I am wrong with the above information.
I am new here so I think someone here with more experience could do this.

Offline cherper

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 12:44:09 PM »
I think it is my understanding that Walmart has a policy that they abide by state rules and regulations and if so wouldn't this be a Golden opportunity to send a copy of this information to the headquarters of Costco and other major corporation headquarters so they could update they stores policy's
Please correct me if I am wrong with the above information.
I am new here so I think someone here with more experience could do this.

Walmart does have that policy but Costco isn't owned by Walmart, Sam's Club is. But it would be a good opportunity to get all of these companies to change their policies.

Offline Donut

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 01:13:25 PM »
If they were to see the policy of others then maybe they would concider changing theirs.

Offline cherper

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 01:21:29 PM »
If they were to see the policy of others then maybe they would concider changing theirs.

That's true.

Offline Recurveman

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2013, 02:17:18 PM »
Well it would be great if they did in fact change their policy. However seeing that Costco donated a million dollars to the obama campaign and have funded part of his new "change" campaign for stricter gun laws, im going to go out on a limb and assume that they will not be swayed to change their strict NO GUN policy...

Offline cherper

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Re: OC in Costco
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2013, 02:37:42 PM »
agreed...maybe all the open carry and conceal carry people should end their memberships and go to Sam's Club...that may send a message. Tell them "hey since I can't carry in your store then I will not renew my membership and I'll sign up with Sam's Club".  :)