Author Topic: CNN Don't blame only guns for Chicago's homicide rate  (Read 4111 times)

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CNN Don't blame only guns for Chicago's homicide rate
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:35:52 AM »
This CNN article from February that says not to blame only guns for Chicago's homicide rate, but the lack of trauma centers!

So do guns have more power to make people shoot others with a low density of level 1 trauma centers? Why aren't the murder rates in North and South Dakota through the roof? (That is magical thinking. Objects don't have a will of their own. Objects can't animate themselves. This is reality, not a cartoon or movie. Isn't it considered a mental illness to believe that objects make people do things, or can move on their own, and that cartoons and movies are reality? Doesn't that call into question the fitness of many politicians for office?)

If someone isn't shot by a thug or unstable person, they don't need a level 1 trauma center. Yes, poor people in bad neighborhoods deserve access to health care, but they also deserve not to be shot in the first place.
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