Hi from Gladwin. I'm new to open carry. I'm a Desert Storm Veteran (go Air Force!) I use a power wheelchair to get around and am a lefty so finding holsters is really really easy! (not). I'm partially mobile and can walk short distances. Any input on good way to carry would be great. Using a power wheelchair makes it hard to carry around the belt area as there isn't much room to draw as opposed to a manual chair (arm rests are different). I'm thinking of building a mount for my chair. It would be dangerous if it were a manual chair because you can get tipped over easily and get separated from your weapon. In a power chair it's different. If somebody can knock me out of my chair, at 225 pounds, sitting in my power chair, which weighs 300+ pounds , I don't stand much of a chance anyway so I'm figuring a custom chair mount would be best. I'd love to hear suggestions. Thanks.