Author Topic: Obama orders CDC gun violence study, study shreds his position  (Read 3027 times)

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Offline gryphon

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President Obama signed a set of executive orders targeting gun violence.  One of them commanded the CDC to do a comprehensive survey of studies regarding guns and gun violence in the United States.

The CDC’s numbers basically back every pro-gun rights argument made over the course of the last year.

61 percent of the people who died from firearms related violence were suicides. 

The study found that those who own guns, carry them, and fight back against criminals are actually fare better in dangerous situations.

The report notes that virtually all studies which “assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns” found the same thing.  There are “consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”

There’s as much as a 10 to 1 ratio of defensive firearm use vs. offensive use.