Author Topic: OC in Ann Arbor  (Read 12379 times)

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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: OC in Ann Arbor
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2013, 09:45:57 PM »
Good evening everyone,  I was at Skyline HS for the music and a meal.  While in line for seconds Officer Ford, asked why I carry.  He fished for 2A, fear, or safety.   I told him it was mostly to protest and to demonstrate that I am not am not the bad guy.  As the county commissioners and city officials think I am.  After he left, a gentleman behind me told me that his friend was escorted out of the Ypsi HS for OC with a CPL.   And I had more questions from another gentleman behind him.

3 years, little to nothing... Oh well

After milling the crowd for most of dinner. The officer sat with me and the MIL until the doors opened.  He also stood with me during the concert.   During our conversation, the administration had called in the request.  Knowing I would be there.      We shook hands an parted ways after the end.   

Now this is where I would ask,  Should I approach the principal?

Why bother? The administrators know what you were:

A) There for a lawful purpose

B) Were conducting yourself in a lawful manner

C) Not going to leave without an unlawful arrest.

Let the "authorities" deal with them.

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