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Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« on: May 21, 2014, 06:15:06 PM »
Don’t Compromise Yourself
By M. Carswell

It was an awkward moment to say the least. The deliverymen who just hauled our new freezer into our mudroom noticed several BB guns standing in the corner. They were mostly hidden and all but forgotten, until the time came to remove the old freezer. I saw the men look at the guns, look at me, and then look at the guns again. They were just BB guns, so what’s the big deal, right?

Then again, these were just two 200 lb strangers with low-paying jobs with a fresh insight to exploit: that this house almost certainly has real guns.

It was a careless mistake, and my mind raced: What else were they thinking, and what else did they learn?

This home owner isn’t very tall or strong. His wife is attractive. There’s no dog. They insisted on a Saturday delivery so the house is probably vacant every weekday while they work. Mail from the NRA was on the kitchen counter. That Bible probably means the house is empty every Sunday morning.

Just five minutes in your house can yield a lot of information to compromise you:

Strategic entry points
Location of home alarm control panel and sensors
Location of master bedroom

The fact is I compromised myself. I compromised myself even though I subscribe to the “grey man” line of thinking. I’ve made every effort to eliminate all the overt signals that I’m armed. I don’t want to be targeted and ambushed by a team of men intent on seizing my weapons.

But grey man thinking must go beyond the details of how I dress and what I carry. Situations, behaviors, and other people come into play as well.

People you agree with and trust can compromise you in social settings with just a simple question, “Going to the range this weekend?” And friends who broadcast everything on Facebook are not the friends you should go to the gun range with.

And remember that compromise can come without a single spoken word. A motivated gun thief could consult a map of permit holders. But it’s more likely that he’ll select a person leaving the gun range and follow him (or her) home. With the address confirmed, the thief will bide his time and strike when no one is home.

Be careful out there.

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2014, 09:52:11 PM »
Meh... maybe, maybe not.

If we wanted to follow that duders advice to a T, we wouldn't discuss firearms at all.

"The home owner isn't very tall or strong". Well, with the other information that they "gleaned" about this guy possessing firearms, they probably want to make absolutely damn sure that no one is home if they decide to make a "visit".

And really, it's probably easier to look elsewhere instead of run that risk. Cost / benefit and what not.
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Offline SD40VE

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2014, 08:50:50 AM »
even a 3 ft midget can fire a glock and kill someone.... just sayin

people see all my mounted hunting trophies and figure this guy hits what he aims for. also if they did somehow break in and my alarm goes off. macomb co sherriff is 2 mins away. and they aint moving my monster gun safe.

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2014, 12:50:00 PM »
even a 3 ft midget can fire a glock and kill someone.... just sayin

people see all my mounted hunting trophies and figure this guy hits what he aims for. also if they did somehow break in and my alarm goes off. macomb co sherriff is 2 mins away. and they aint moving my monster gun safe.

mmmm monster gun safe, I know your name and roughly where you live and work.  I wonder how many guys I would need to carry out a monster gun safe in 2 minutes :p  I could also use some extra trophies from my hunt as well :D

Offline SD40VE

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2014, 02:27:59 PM »
1. you wont even get the floor bolts out in 2 mins.

2. it took the company who delivered it about 2-3 hours to install and bolt down. they had 4 people show up.

3. you will have to shoot my dog, he doesnt like strangers when im not home. almost tore up one of my brothers friends one day because he didnt know them and they were in the house with my bro

then you have to break into the safe if you are lucky enough to remove it

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2014, 04:44:38 PM »
Well my heist is foiled then because I'm not prepared to shoot a dog.

Wouldn't I actually need to get into the safe before I could get the floor bolts out anyways?  I thought most of them get bolted down from the inside.

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2014, 06:00:50 PM »
Well my heist is foiled then because I'm not prepared to shoot a dog.

Wouldn't I actually need to get into the safe before I could get the floor bolts out anyways?  I thought most of them get bolted down from the inside.

Bolts are a feel good thing anyway...  Good pry bar will make short work of that.

I'm kinda looking at the insafe device that notify's me via text msg if the safe is moved or even opened.

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Re: Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 06:51:08 PM »
Bolts are a feel good thing anyway...  Good pry bar will make short work of that.

I'm kinda looking at the insafe device that notify's me via text msg if the safe is moved or even opened.

Let me know what you find out about the text message if safe is tampered with device.

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Re: Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2014, 07:05:36 PM »
It's supposed to work, mfg claims they have on real world save.  I'm poor and haven't convinced myself to buy the product ... yet :)

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Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2014, 08:04:32 PM »
Build a new house. Put a new safe in that's too big to move up the stairs then build the house on top if it. Viola.
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Thoughts on Compromising Yourself
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2014, 08:04:51 PM »
I'd think bolts into concrete would work too...?
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).