Makes sense to somebody I guess. Let me see if I can sum up what you are saying; be mad about something that happened before I had the ability to carry and disregard something that cancelled my ability to carry after I was allowed to carry?
Sorry but that sounds silly to me.
you are not mentioning the good that came out of it. can you carry a new "mi pistol" now, no, so we lost that. but, now you can buy them without a PP, and you do not have to register them. they can also be purchased by 18-20 year olds now.
some people will value the ability to carry them more(like you), some people will value the ability to buy one without obtaining a PP and not have to let the .gov know they have it. just b/c the carry element was more important to you does not mean it was to everyone.
your anger would be better directed towards helping get a bill passed to allow long gun(car) carry.