Author Topic: 40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group  (Read 3064 times)

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Offline sircapsalot

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40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group
« on: November 11, 2013, 11:25:28 AM »

Forty armed Texans showed up at the Blue Mesa Grill in Dallas, unloaded handguns and AR-15s from their cars, and stood in the parking lot holding their weapons. Their aim was to wait outside for four members of Moms Demands Action for Gun Sense, who were meeting inside the restaurant.

Very interesting article.  The Moms from Gun Safety group had posted this on their facebook page:
WHAT ARE THESE MEN DOING? No, they're not military defending our country or police responding to a mass shooting. They're members of Open Carry Texas and they showed up earlier today to protest a membership meeting being held by four members of Moms Demand Action inside a restaurant in Dallas. These men, armed with semi-automatic rifles, terrified customers and passersby.

In reply - OCT had put this on their page:
Hey Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, here's your chance to get your ideas out in public. The president of Open Carry Texas, CJ Grisham, is issuing an open invite and challenge to MDA President Shannon Watts to debate the issue of "gun sense" (gun control) versus gun rights (supporting the constitution). Since we are issuing the challenge, Shannon may pick anywhere in the State of Texas to hold the event and OCT will pay for the venue. We will also accept the Texas Chapter President of MDA if Shannon doesn't feel intelligent or confident enough to handle an open debate. OCT will NOT be open carry at the event so MDA can feel safe and secure in its ignorance and false sense of safety.

I was reading some of the replies on their facebook page to their first post.. and it still dumbfounds me the people that are so... ignorant.

I guarantee that had these guys been in the mall in NJ last week innocent people would have been shot.
- Do you have evidence to back that "guarantee?" or are you just gallivanting about your dislike towards guns.

If I saw this in a mall parking lot I think I would run over all of them thinking I was a hero for stopping a mass shooting.
- Statistically - this would be accurate! We all know cars kill more people than guns ever would.  But the intent from this guy.. this scares me.  He would choose to run over ~40 innocent men and women.  That's scary to me.

They're scared. Can't talk without their guns.
- And you can't talk to anybody who provides statistical evidence and common sense to things in which you oppose.

I'm getting sick to my stomach reading these, so i won't put up any more.

Offline gryphon

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Re: 40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 12:31:04 PM »

Offline gryphon

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Re: 40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 12:40:58 PM »

Offline Smashfacekrav

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40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 11:09:40 PM »
I remember not educating myself before debating and when I would begin losing the debate I would resort to name calling and personal attacks.  It's wonderful to be educated about a subject and be able to drive individuals in the ground with facts.  Respectfully of course.

"May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't."
General George Patton

Offline Jeff

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Re: 40 Armed Texans intimidate moms from gun safety group
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 11:23:24 PM »
Whenever I'm losing a debate and get annoyed I just call 911.  Like when Mc. Donalds forgets to put cheese on my burger.