Author Topic: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?  (Read 50670 times)

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:26:06 AM »
I was just curious tonight, those of you that post this forum, how did you find out about Michigan Open Carry, Inc?

I will start. I work for the State of Michigan. I am also one of our "safety monitors" that is responsible to facilitate getting people out of the building during an emergency. At one of our monitor meetings, the building manger talk about the idea of seeing someone with a firearm walking into the building and how it was perfectly legal. He mentioned this organization which led me to research it on the Internet.

I signed up to the forums, became a local coordinator, and the rest is history.

What is your story?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 10:39:52 AM by TheQ »
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Offline Smashfacekrav

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2013, 12:41:41 AM »
I moved to michigan in 2010 from Florida and found out that mi had open carry. Up until this summer I was always a little gun shy about oc'ing. I jumped on the web and with just a couple key strokes I was on MOC signing up to the forums.  I then decided to become a member after getting information and feeling welcomed by everyone.   I have not looked back and OC everywhere and every chance I get.  Thanks for the help MOC.

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Offline Jeff

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 12:54:33 AM »
I found out about it after talking to some friends about which handgun I should buy and that I wanted to get my CPL.  One of my friends said "you can just open carry".  I said "REALLY? no way" he said yeah, it's legal in Michigan.  He doesn't open carry or know any of the specific laws he just knew that it was legal.  Being the way that I am when someone tells me something I do some research on it.  I believe I just typed in "Michigan Open Carry" and found this place while I was searching for open carry laws.

And of course I stayed because of all the hot chicks.

Offline Ezerharden

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 01:14:07 AM »
I found out about it from the "forum on the dark side". Came here, started going to then hosting events.
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Offline bobn911

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 06:42:26 AM »
If memory serves me right, I heard about MOC on the MGO forum. I went to one of the first or the first get together at Theo and Stacy's. Even went to Bronson Park in Kazoo.
My Saturday work schedule keeps me from attending more events. Carry on, Bob
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Offline kcsmith88

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 10:40:58 AM »
I don't post much on the forum, but I read pretty much everything. I think I found this forum from OCDO.  After CC'ing for some time, I noticed someone at a fast food chain OC'ing and it looked more comfortable than what I was doing. I started asking myself "why am I trying to hide my pistol?  I'm not doing anything wrong."  I started researching and found lots of great information that prompted me to OC.  I now CC or OC depending on the situation and present company.  Although my wife is supportive of my firearm ownership and choice to carry, she is not particularly comfortable when I OC. She seems a bit self conscious and concerned that I'm drawing unnecessary attention.  She has a CPL, but doesn't carry.  My mom and dad both carry, and because of this forum and OCDO, he has switched to OC almost 100% of the time.  He has had a few people make comments, like calling him "sheriff" or asking him if he's afraid of someone.  He has handled it well and is exposing lots of ignorant (uninformed) people to legal OC. I wish I could OC more, but my current employer has a policy against firearms making it difficult to carry regularly.

I take every opportunity in conversations that arise to inform and educate people about OC and CC, and direct them to this site for more information.

Thank you to all who have helped to again normalize this once normal practice.
I supposed I should become a paid member of MOC.  At least MOC doesn't pester me daily for money like the NRA or continuously try to get me to join like USCCA.

 - Kurt

Offline Hammurabi

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2013, 10:52:42 AM »
I was talking to a friend in Texas, and expressed my opinion that no one should be prohibited from carrying concealed. His response included some of the history of concealed weapons legislation and the events and attitudes that led to it, as well as his personal opinion that open carry was more honorable. It's been a while, and I won't do his argument justice, but one of the more memorable points was that deliberately disguising yourself as a soft target is a dirty tactic and that potential attackers deserve to know what they're getting into. Then he lamented Texas' prohibition of open carry, but mentioned that he would if he legally could. I had never heard of open carry, but the conversation was memorable enough that I started looking into the legality of open carry in Michigan. Needless to say, MOC was easier to find than Michigan's open carry law. I watched this forum and another for a while and eventually found my way to a Starbucks before signing up at a gathering near Jackson.

Offline gryphon

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2013, 01:42:56 PM »
I found out about Michigan Open Carry from a message at OCDO.

Offline hubblejj

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2013, 03:39:13 PM »
I was just searching around the internet one day about michigan gun laws and stumbled upon the website, I have learned alot of interesting things from you guys thanks.
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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2013, 06:21:45 PM »
I saw a flyer on the door to the Gander Mountain in Portage about one of the seminars there, about this time last year.

I then attended the seminar and joined.

I have learned that OC was OK not long before that and wanted all the facts before I engaged in OC.
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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2013, 09:36:37 PM »
Internet research prior to purchasing a handgun.  Not exactly sure how I stumbled across MOC.  I definitely didn't google "Open Carry" or anything like that.
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Offline Mando21

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2013, 09:56:28 PM »
I was doing a research project on modern American militias and when I went to the Michigan Militia website I saw a link to the MOC website, I clicked...
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Offline SD40VE

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2013, 11:37:22 PM »
I found moc on ocdo

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Offline TucTom

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2013, 12:43:26 PM »
While living in Az. I read alot on OCDO. When I knew I was moving to Mi. I searched state laws and read the Mi. sub-form. Probably found thru OCDO although I may have found it doing a web search. BTW the forums here helped me immensely to prepare me for my move and since.

Offline drtodd

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Re: Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2013, 04:02:18 PM »
I handgun hunted from about 1997 to present. I open carried during those outings, both in the field and while traveling to and from. I also got a CPL when Michigan became "shall issue". I then enjoyed the comfort of OC vs CC so I would OC about 50% of the time while going about my daily business. While doing legal research I read about a small group of malcontents who open carried at a McDonalds on the OCDO website about a week after they did so. I joined OCDO a bit later and participated quite often on the forum. We had a few meet ups in Grand Rapids of a pretty hardcore group of people that were great to talk with about guns and open carry. At some point in the discussion a few years later we talked about forming a state-level group that would promote open carry. Brian Jeffs spearheaded the formation of the state level group, and many of the people from OCDO that were active on the boards then joined . The rest is history.
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Offline Pond Scum

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2013, 04:24:36 PM »
I joined because Bronson told me to join and I do everything that Bronson tells me to do!   :o

Plus there is lots of good information here and if I remember what I read it will keep me out of trouble!  And the work that MOC does with legislation and public awareness is a benefit to us all!

…...  I now CC or OC depending on the situation and present company.  Although my wife is supportive of my firearm ownership and choice to carry, she is not particularly comfortable when I OC. She seems a bit self conscious and concerned that I'm drawing unnecessary attention.  She has a CPL, but doesn't carry…..

 - Kurt

Our situation is pretty close…… My wife has a CPL but doesn't carry.  I OC part of the time but CC most of the time.  Strangely my wife prefers it when I open carry! :o     

I wish she would carry ….. I tell her that if she has her gun she is a tactical advantage for our team.  If she doesn't have a gun she is just "cover" and I'm going to jump behind her to protect our "offense!"   :P

Offline jgillmanjr

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2013, 04:59:28 PM »
Had a chance to meet Phil at the rally back in March. Next day, went to an open carry seminar. That night, I signed up.
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Offline AAMitch

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2014, 08:47:54 PM »
My first time, that I found out about MOC, was the MOC picnic at an Ann Arbor park.  The Sunday Ann Arbor News paper had a large article and I cheered.  In the town that I attribute preemption, cause they wanted to ban everything with a powder charge.    Years later I met my friend Frank, went to a couple seminars.   Now I have carried 99% of the time for the last 3 years.

Offline RedWings

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2014, 01:09:49 PM »
I first heard about MOC from my CPL instructor last spring.  Then, last summer/fall I heard about the open carry picnic at Riverside Park in Grand Rapids (but unfortunately I was visiting the inlaws in NY that weekend).  Finally, I learned about the OC seminar this past weekend in GR.  I contacted my brother and we both attended the seminar and then we both immediately joined.

Now, I just have to take the first leap of faith and strap one on in public.

Oh yeah, I've gotta acquire an OC holster, first.

Offline Zeteo

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2014, 04:06:36 PM »
When I was applying for my CPL, I was actively reading the MI Gun Owners site.  Saw a link to this site there, and honestly, I don't think I've been back to since.
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Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2014, 06:34:27 PM »
I was invited to a picnic in Westland Mi, back in April of 2010. Met Venator, Michigander, Dougwg and some other regular OCers, and that was my intro to MOC. I still remember the chili and the temps in the mid 40°s . It was a good time for all. :)
Pretty big turn out too.
"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
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Offline 91 whiskey

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2014, 06:18:35 PM »
I found out about this group by reading about Tom's dealings with the Grand Rapids city commission.
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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2014, 08:18:38 PM »
I was invited to a picnic in Westland Mi, back in April of 2010. Met Venator, Michigander, Dougwg and some other regular OCers, and that was my intro to MOC. I still remember the chili and the temps in the mid 40°s . It was a good time for all. :)
Pretty big turn out too.

Venator, Michigander, and DougWG... that's a big turn out right there.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:11:09 PM by CV67PAT »
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Offline Tmmorton

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2014, 12:26:35 AM »
I'm not a regular poster (though someday I hope I will have enough experience to speak with knowledge) but I heard about this from the very knowledgeable manager at my local Dunhams store (firearm section). 

Tim Morton

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2014, 08:32:20 AM »
I heard about this from the very knowledgeable manager at my local Dunhams store (firearm section). 

That's encouraging!

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2014, 09:31:04 AM »

I'm not a regular poster (though someday I hope I will have enough experience to speak with knowledge) but I heard about this from the very knowledgeable manager at my local Dunhams store (firearm section). 

Tim Morton

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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2014, 10:18:09 AM »
I'm not a regular poster (though someday I hope I will have enough experience to speak with knowledge) but I heard about this from the very knowledgeable manager at my local Dunhams store (firearm section). 

Tim Morton
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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2014, 12:32:40 AM »
I was here from the very beginning at the event drtodd mentioned, in fact I seem to recall that I started the thread for the very first meet up in Brighton in december of 2007, and it was Brian that set the date and time. Mastiff and his wife also came. Brian spoke there of creating this organization and structuring it very much like it has turned out.

From then on, other than while I lived out of the state for 6 months in 2008, a core group of us who essentially founded MOC organized and worked on a lot of stuff. Although we did many things on our own and it worked fine, it became rather apparent that a formal organizational structure was helpful for being taken more seriously by the police and public, a very important consideration when it seemed like we were being bombarded by endless police harassment and a fair amount of malicious prosecution, and thus MOC pretty much had to happen. The primary end of my participation with MOC was the end of the time Jeff Sayers was running the ship, at which time I attended many more MOC events and did several solo projects before leaving the state again, that time for almost a year and a half. Since then, there is as phil put it, history. Some of it ugly. I am hoping there is a brighter future ahead with me and MOC than the past several years, though that remains to be seen.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 12:50:31 AM by Michigander »

Offline Raggs

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2014, 08:58:49 AM »
Thanks to Michigander, DrTodd, Mastiff and of course Venator for doing so much of the heavy lifting starting this group. Many of us are enjoying the fruits of your labor.

I learned about MOC from OCDO and mainly DrTodd who was the first person who was willing to go out of his way to show me the ropes and actually meet up with me to open carry. He and I along with my daughter went to Walmart, I know its cliche, and then shakes at Steak and Shake. DrTodd ended up in a friendly discussion with the manager which kinda showed me a good way to deal with that situation.


Offline CV67PAT

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2014, 04:49:35 PM »
Thanks to Michigander, DrTodd, Mastiff and of course Venator for doing so much of the heavy lifting starting this group. Many of us are enjoying the fruits of your labor.

I learned about MOC from OCDO and mainly DrTodd who was the first person who was willing to go out of his way to show me the ropes and actually meet up with me to open carry. He and I along with my daughter went to Walmart, I know its cliche, and then shakes at Steak and Shake. DrTodd ended up in a friendly discussion with the manager which kinda showed me a good way to deal with that situation.

Don't sell yourself short there. You do quite a bit of heavy lifting yourself.
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Offline TexasSupporter

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2014, 08:25:32 PM »
One and a half years ago I was coming to terms with the fact that my state of Texas severely infringes my right to possess and carry a firearm, including denying me the right to openly carry.  I researched and found out fast that 44 states - including my home state of Michigan - allow some type of open carry.  During this research I found Michigan Open Carry, and was truly proud to see that Michigan has lead the way in the open carry movement, in no small part because of the work of MOC.  In March of 2013 I joined as a member.  Today, I paid my dues for another year.  MOC is doing the work that I believe strongly in.  I appreciate everyone here.  My only regret is that I have yet to be able to attend an OC event with MOC... but I will try this summer for sure.  Beretta 92FS - Made in Italy.  That's what I'll be proudly carrying when I do make it to my first MOC event.  God bless you all. 

Offline ProXaQ

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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2014, 09:46:24 PM »
I found it on

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Offline GrandpaC53

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2014, 03:06:07 PM »
I bought the book "My Parents Open Carry" for my daughter and granddaughter and read it first

Offline thamm

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2014, 04:13:36 PM »
I first learned of MOC from a news article about the open carry march in Romulus earlier this year.

Offline CitizensHaveRights

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2014, 07:57:55 PM »
I read about MOC in the State Journal.
I'm not sure when I first saw it, but I already knew about MOC when news of the CADL suit first hit the papers.
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Offline TheQ

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #35 on: October 02, 2014, 08:43:53 PM »

I bought the book "My Parents Open Carry" for my daughter and granddaughter and read it first

It isn't our book, but I am personally a fan.
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Offline brownchris2015

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2015, 11:08:25 AM »
I contacted a lawyer with firearm specialization

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2015, 08:22:46 PM »

I contacted a lawyer with firearm specialization

Oh? Which?
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Offline LadyBeth

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2015, 05:17:33 PM »
I learned about MOC from two close friends and during my CPL class

Offline TWiggle

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2016, 05:57:28 PM »
Through a friend of mine when he invited me to a MOC lunch. I'm now very active in MOC.

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2016, 08:28:11 AM »
Through a friend of mine when he invited me to a MOC lunch. I'm now very active in MOC.

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Re: How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2016, 12:14:31 PM »
I heard Brian Jeff's talking about a new idea for a group that he and a few others had. This was back in 2008 it wasn't too long and they were incorporated and accepting membership applications. I purchased a charter membership shortly after they went live with there web presence. A few years later the organization needed a South West coordinator and I volunteered. A few more years went by and the treasurer resigned right before Christmas and at a Board meeting while on vacation in Georgia I volunteered to accept the appointment to the treasurer position. It has been a rollercoaster at times however certainly worthwhile and I have met many new friends in the firearms community.

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