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How did you find out about Michigan Open Carry Inc.?

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I don't post much on the forum, but I read pretty much everything. I think I found this forum from OCDO.  After CC'ing for some time, I noticed someone at a fast food chain OC'ing and it looked more comfortable than what I was doing. I started asking myself "why am I trying to hide my pistol?  I'm not doing anything wrong."  I started researching and found lots of great information that prompted me to OC.  I now CC or OC depending on the situation and present company.  Although my wife is supportive of my firearm ownership and choice to carry, she is not particularly comfortable when I OC. She seems a bit self conscious and concerned that I'm drawing unnecessary attention.  She has a CPL, but doesn't carry.  My mom and dad both carry, and because of this forum and OCDO, he has switched to OC almost 100% of the time.  He has had a few people make comments, like calling him "sheriff" or asking him if he's afraid of someone.  He has handled it well and is exposing lots of ignorant (uninformed) people to legal OC. I wish I could OC more, but my current employer has a policy against firearms making it difficult to carry regularly.

I take every opportunity in conversations that arise to inform and educate people about OC and CC, and direct them to this site for more information.

Thank you to all who have helped to again normalize this once normal practice.
I supposed I should become a paid member of MOC.  At least MOC doesn't pester me daily for money like the NRA or continuously try to get me to join like USCCA.

 - Kurt

I was talking to a friend in Texas, and expressed my opinion that no one should be prohibited from carrying concealed. His response included some of the history of concealed weapons legislation and the events and attitudes that led to it, as well as his personal opinion that open carry was more honorable. It's been a while, and I won't do his argument justice, but one of the more memorable points was that deliberately disguising yourself as a soft target is a dirty tactic and that potential attackers deserve to know what they're getting into. Then he lamented Texas' prohibition of open carry, but mentioned that he would if he legally could. I had never heard of open carry, but the conversation was memorable enough that I started looking into the legality of open carry in Michigan. Needless to say, MOC was easier to find than Michigan's open carry law. I watched this forum and another for a while and eventually found my way to a Starbucks before signing up at a gathering near Jackson.

I found out about Michigan Open Carry from a message at OCDO.

I was just searching around the internet one day about michigan gun laws and stumbled upon the website, I have learned alot of interesting things from you guys thanks.

I saw a flyer on the door to the Gander Mountain in Portage about one of the seminars there, about this time last year.

I then attended the seminar and joined.

I have learned that OC was OK not long before that and wanted all the facts before I engaged in OC.


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