MOC Classifieds > "Want" Ads

WTB .22 LR ammo


pm price and quantity. we can then go from there. i am in SE michigan in the northern detroit area

Try Wal-Mart.

Walmart always is out whenever i stop in :-( dicks gets their shipments every other thursday. Gander get em friday mornig but i typically work lol

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Rem talks like a spam-bot.

In reference to the topic at hand, I've been buying whatever's on same with free shipping from Academy this year, at prices ranging from 4 cents for Federal Champion to 8 cents for Mini-Mag. My 1911 short strokes on Automatch all the time, sometimes on Champion, and never on Mini-Mag. My 40 year old Marlin 60 feeds everything, even standard velocity and subsonics, so I've been plinking Automatch in it.


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