Author Topic: Almost OC'd at NYE party  (Read 6627 times)

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Offline Xpiatio

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Almost OC'd at NYE party
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:28:58 PM »
I was debating on OCing at a private NYE party.  Took it over to the party and chatted with the home owner.  I left it in my car.  While he is one of those preppers, has a well supplied stash of ammo and good variety of guns, and CPL, he frowned upon open carry.  He mentioned he didn't want it around the kids.  Ended up telling him that out of respect for him that I wouldn't and left it in the car.  Combine that with the alcohol flowing that night, I didn't want to mix it in. (I would have stayed the DD if I ended up carrying. 

Besides if $#|t hit the fan, not like anyone there is going to be SOL.

Offline casper

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 09:07:02 PM »
Sound like a double standard on his part, but oh well.

Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 09:37:12 PM »
Why not just CC and still be protected?
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Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 11:17:38 PM »
Why not just CC and still be protected?

Yes - while CC is inferior to OC as a defensive tactic, it is far better than NOTHING! Ever hear of the saying "100% of home invasions happen in the home." This does not mean only your home. Look up the FBI stats on home invasions. The occupants usually have SEVEN ( 7) seconds max to respond! I doubt your "prepper" buddy could have made it to his "cache" after stumbling over cases of ramen noodles & pork rinds, unlocked, loaded a pistol/shotgun/rifle in that short time frame, especially in the middle of a party? ???  Just saying - prepping and being prepared to defend ones life often are not the same things. :o
"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
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Offline Jeff

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 01:58:22 AM »
Yeah, and the mounds of dead hookers he would have had to hurdle if it's anything like my parties, and the panic no way could he have gotten to his firearms.

Offline karudin

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 09:28:18 AM »
Definitely sounds like a double standard. I've met a couple of "preppers" and the ones I have met like to brag about how much stuff they have stockpile. What makes me laugh is they buy all those freeze dried meals in the 5 gallon buckets. I've eaten stuff like that for a couple weeks at a time and I'll make my own stockpile of stuff instead haha.

Offline Raggs

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 10:06:47 AM »
Double standard is right. I don't know if I would go to a friends house if I was asked to not carry my firearm. It is most assuredly his right to do so as it is my right to get a better class of friend.

Offline jgillmanjr

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 10:49:04 AM »
Double standard is right. I don't know if I would go to a friends house if I was asked to not carry my firearm. It is most assuredly his right to do so as it is my right to get a better class of friend.

Well, I can tell you that if you were ever invited over to my place, it would be expected that you bring your firearm(s).

After all, how could we have a show and tell if you didn't?
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Offline SD40VE

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 11:07:08 AM »
my best friend has 3 children, 13, 9, 7 years of age, 2 older girls and the youngest is his son. i OC all the time at his place. its almost expected that i show up with my pistol on my hip. oddly enough his son asked me a question yesterday. he said how come you always bring you pistol but never bring any of your sniper rifles (keep in mind he is 7 and all scoped rifles are sniper rifles to him) i then had the great opportunity to explain tactics and using a handgun over a long gun indoors. the best part was i made it relate to video games and he actually understood.

if you ever come to my house you better be carrying. thats one more person to help neutralize a threat should it arise

Offline Xpiatio

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 06:58:23 PM »
Biggest reason why I didn't conceal is because I don't have my permit yet.  Still waiting.

Offline Raggs

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Re: Almost OC'd at NYE party
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 07:20:32 PM »
Biggest reason why I didn't conceal is because I don't have my permit yet.  Still waiting.

Which sucks in a most major way! I hope you get it soon.