My post deleted by most likely by the Q - was in reference to what options were available if: a permit was needed, but could not be obtained in time, and signs* could not be carried. March all you want - good on you for doing so - but without signs the concern would be: without everyone wearing leg drop holsters, who in the public will notice folks OCing in winter clothes? Not many in my experience. The linked protest was one of the more successful ones in MI, IMHO. And the former presidents of MOC (Mr. Roshek & Mr. Webb) both appeared and presented themselves well.
(Admin/Pat/q offending links removed)
Google Birmingham MI gun enthusiast protest arrest.
Another very successful event - Constitutional Carry rally.
Google constitutional carry rally Lansing MI
The common denominator = MOC leadership was not really onboard with either.
My point - hindsight is 20/20 if one chooses to utilize it. MOC has great potential IMHO, if we learn from past successes and failures. Just my honest opinion - YMMV.
Carry on from a paying member since April of 2010. 
Repost - with edits to remove links that are said to violate forum dictates???