Yes, the key is how to keep it from going too far.
Something simple like putting the selection of senators back in the hands of state legislatures would do a lot of good and make senators respond to the entire state and not just the interests of the largest pool of voters in a state. It would solve some of the issues people would claim term limits would solve.
Some of the proposed amendments in that book go too far, in my opinion. I think we are best served by a Constitutional republic with democratic tendencies.
A group with a well-organized agenda that fed into the fears of many could subvert the process.
Since we have a defacto two party system, the Demopublicans and Repubmocracts would do all they can to short-circuit the process. How we keep that from happening without letting the coo coo fringe have too much influence is the problem.
What we really need are more real statesmen of character running it than career politicians who are characters running it.
Who gets to choose who goes to this convention and how do we keep out the really bad ideas?