Hi! I've been reading your forum on and off for a couple of years. I think people need to develop a comfort level with seeing holstered firearms on ordinary average civilians. After seeing so many misguided, antagonizing, or abusive LEOs in videos in the past couple of years, I've been a bit overly nervous about carrying openly myself. I know most of you go out everyday and never have an incident, but still, I'm not quite ready to carry openly outside of my own property yet.
I have a CPL, and most of the time, I don't carry because my employer does not allow weapons in the workplace. I carry primarily after hours and on the weekends. I'd like to see a day when we can carry everywhere without having to wonder, "can I carry it here?"
After seeing Obama/Biden/Feinstein and others attack our rights as gun owners, I became more involved in the advancement of gun rights. I joined the NRA and MCRGO. I attended a couple of 2nd Amendment rallys in Lansing, and I donated to a few groups and individuals' legal funds. I never really thought I'd have to become as gun law educated or as politically involved as I have become because to me, I couldn't really understand how anyone could just swoop in and take away our rights. When it almost happened, I realized that I can't just sit around idly anymore.
I plan on attending the February seminar at Gander Mountain in Novi. I look forward to meeting some of you in person.