Author Topic: Obama Administration to Spend $1.1B on Gun Safety and “Smart Guns”  (Read 4378 times)

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Offline gryphon

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Now that they're making us buy health insurance, why not make us all buy "smart" guns. You know, to save the children, even if it's only one.  :'(
"The people of these United States are the rightful masters of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
~ Abraham Lincoln
"Too young to die, too old to take an ass whippin'."
~ Unknown

Offline m.marino

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He is pushing technology that has failed so many times under so many tests that it is a joke at best. Which means they are trying a new take on the gun grab as they most likely will mandate that ALL guns have this safety technology "for children's" safety. Folks this is the same types of arguments that the Nazi's used in the 1930's. We must expose the lies drag them out into the light of day and hopefully enought folks will wake up and smell the stink and want rid of it. -Michael
Tuebor Libertatus

Offline Jeff

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Oh, but then everyone with a bracelet on will be targeted by criminals for their guns and panic the public and shot first right?

Offline TucTom

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Oh, but then everyone with a bracelet on will be targeted by criminals for their guns and panic the public and shot first right?

Only OCr's with bracelets.

Offline TheQ

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Let Holder arm his Federal Agents with this new technology first.  Let them try it and use it for a few years before I even consider it for my personal use.

Want to make it a statutory requirement?  Hell no!
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline Jeff

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Let Holder arm his Federal Agents with this new technology first.


Offline SD40VE

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what gets me is the criminals arent going to go to this new system... what about the guns they already own off the record?

Offline Jeff

  • Posts: 1166
what gets me is the criminals arent going to go to this new system... what about the guns they already own off the record?

Well that's why the government will have to come take all our weapons to make sure they are up to the new safety code.  I'm sure we will have something like 3 days to bring them in before being labeled as felons.  For the children!