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Authorities blame many of the carjackings, ironically, on improvements in vehicle security. Anti-theft equipment, GPS systems and advanced locks now prevent many vehicles from being driven without a key in the ignition.That makes it difficult or impossible for thieves to steal parked cars, leading them to target vehicles that are occupied, said Jonathan Parnell, of Detroit’s auto-theft squad.
“I don’t want to surprise you,” Champion said. “I want you to know I’m armed, and I want you to know I can defend myself, and I want you to go somewhere else.”
And we have this fine piece in the suburbs.... http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20140523/METRO02/305230079/1361/Madison-Heights-police-looking-for-female-bank-robber-with-silver-grill-on-teethPlease if you have your CPL open carry everywhere. I always open carry even at the banks.