Author Topic: Pause for Safety Act  (Read 2481 times)

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Offline gryphon

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Pause for Safety Act
« on: June 06, 2014, 02:46:51 PM »
Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer have introduced a new federal law called “The Pause for Safety Act” which would allow anyone at any time to seek a “firearms restraining order” against an individual to prevent them from purchasing any new firearms and also confiscate any firearms they may already have.  The new legislation will include the following provisions:

• One, it would help ensure that families and others can go to court and seek a gun violence prevention order to temporarily stop someone close to them who poses a danger to themselves or others from purchasing a firearm.
• Two, it would help ensure that families and others can also seek a gun violence prevention warrant that would allow law enforcement to take temporary possession of firearms that have already been purchased if a court determines that the individual poses a threat to themselves or others.
• Three, it would help ensure that law enforcement makes full use of all existing gun registries when assessing a tip, warning or request from a concerned family member or other close associate.

The scariest part of this proposed legislation is the idea that anyone can ask for one of these restraining orders. So, for example, if a gun control activist got a hold of a sign-in sheet from a local gun range, they could start spamming the judicial system with these “gun violence prevention warrants,” claiming that they believe these individuals to be about to commit a crime, and send a squad of police officers to their doorstep to confiscate their firearms. For their own good, of course.

Offline Jeff

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Re: Pause for Safety Act
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 06:52:58 PM »
Or my aunt that I might see once a year at the most that is very anti gun could screw me over pretty good.  I vote YES this sounds like a great idea.


  • Posts: 194
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Re: Pause for Safety Act
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 11:38:27 AM »
So, if this passes and becomes law, Diane Feinstein won't mind if every gun owner in America gets on order for her and she has to give up her gun(s)?
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~ Abraham Lincoln
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