Open Carry Specific > OC Questions

OC without a CPL in Walmart

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--- Quote from: linux203 on July 07, 2014, 08:32:49 PM ---There are multiple licenses available, the biggest two divisions being on-premise (a bar) and off-premise (a store).  Regardless, they are both licensed under the statute.

--- End quote ---

what does "sections 436.1 to 436.58" state? do those sections define on-premise? if so, there would be other sections that define off-premise.

or does "sections 436.1 to 436.58" define both?

It doesn't matter what the liquor law says it only matters what the firearm law says as you cannot use the definitions from one law to define another. This is not a grey area.

doesnt seem grey to me, the gun law references the specific parts of the liquor law that apply, the rest do not apply.

hard to say more without reading the referenced sections.

Asked and answered in Reply #1

Apparently reading is hard.

Is the establishment licensed, at all, under the act?


Then see subsection two if you want to OC.

Really not that hard. Really, it's not.


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